Jewish Control in Australia gets much scarier…


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Canadian Association for Free Expression
Dedicated to Free Speech, Immigration Reform, and Restoring Political Sanity. This is a very important website and organisation in Canada run by Paul Fromm, whom I know personally. He used to work with the late great Ernst Zundel when the Jews tried to destroy him. Paul Fromm does an incredible amount of work and he‘s the most rock solid fighter for White Freedom and Truth in Canada.

[This is from an Australian friend of mine. He's quite freaked out by how bad it's getting in Australia. Jan]

He wrote:
Our ex. finance minister, Josh Frydenberg (what else) is now chairman of Australia’s Goldman Sachs was on TV this evening with tears rolling down his face because of the antisemitism in Australia… No wonder Hollywood has so many of them… They can all act!

Australia has apparently passed a digital ID Bill which is a closer step towards totalitarian control…

Jews don’t like the truth, especially when it hurts them, so they’ll do anything to shut down free speech.

Elon Musk has just given our prime minister the finger… He tried to get musk to remove some sensitive material from his platform which musk refused… It went to court and musk won.

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Video: APARTHEID: Why didnt White South Africans just slaughter MILLIONS of Blacks?
In this video we look at Apartheid in its proper context. Was Apartheid really intended to be VIOLENT? Were the Whites trigger-happy and keen to just slaughter Blacks in great massacres? Is the new South Africa more peaceful than under White rule?

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