Jewish Britain: Sending memes to friends gets you into JAIL!


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2008: S.Africa: Oprah Winfrey, Racist diva of double standards
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[In Jewish dominated Britain it seems that spreading pro-white memes will now get you jail time as a terrorist. Britain is insane. The Jews control the whites there in a big way. Its shocking what’s going on in the UK. Whites need to stop apologising for being white. Its not illegal to be white … YET! But we whites must just stand together everywhere. Nothing matters… except RACE and the JEWS know it!

Of the 3 men, 2 are soldiers! Now it is GREAT NEWS that WHITE SOLDIERS WANT TO DEFEND WHITES! Ooops! You mean they’re not fighting and killing other WHITES for the JEWS? (Like in WW2?). So when a white male wants to stand up for his people – putting his life on the line for them … hmmm… the Jews in Britain hate that! Yep! You see a white soldier is only supposed to kill people the JEWS WANT KILLED!!! That’s what whites have been doing for far too long … killing for the Jews!!! Jan]

Three men, including two British soldiers, appeared in a London court today charged with “terror offences” over their alleged membership of the banned group National Action.

No details have yet been released indicating how or why police believed that Lance corporal Mikko Vehvilainen, Private Mark Barrett, and Alexander Deakin were part of the proscribed organization. More interesting perhaps is the handful of other charges that the trio have been burdened with – they all appear to revolve around the distribution of dangerous memes, and the exchange of spicy banter in online chat rooms never frequented by the general public.

“Meme Crime” and British Justice

The dubious charging of these three British nationalists, in part for “hate speech,” comes just days after a judicial review by London’s Court of Appeal found that another nationalist, Lawrence Burns, had been the victim of a “manifestly excessive” four year sentence for his own spicy banter. In predictably hyperbolic language Cambridge News reported:

A far-right supremacist from Cambridge who wanted to protect a white “advanced warrior race” has had his jail time cut on appeal – because of his “poor education” and young age. Lawrence Burns, 23, had been given a four-year prison sentence following a trial at Cambridge Crown Court late in 2016. But three appeal judges today (September 7) cut that term to two-and-a-half years after analysing the case at a Court of Appeal hearing in London. They said a crown court judge who passed sentence had not taken account of Burns’ “young age” and “poor educational background”…His sentence rightly included a deterrent element, but the four-year term was “manifestly excessive” due to Burns’ youth and immaturity, the judge ruled…Burns had posted racist material on Facebook when aged 20 and made a speech, subsequently posted online by another person, containing “hate-filled language” at a demonstration outside the United States embassy in Grosvenor Square, London when he was 21 years old.

While one is tempted to congratulate Mr Burns on the fact that some bad grades have regained him 18 months of life and freedom, we are left with the burning realization that this young man was still handed a two-and-a-half year prison sentence simply for posting comments to his like-minded friends on Facebook.

Speech Among Friends is now Illegal

In the last couple of decades we have become familiar with the weapons of Islamic terror – the hijacking of planes, the knife attacks, assassination with firearms, improvised explosives, and the use of vehicles. During the same period, judging by the context of British legal proceedings, we have also come to learn that the primary terror weapon of the European White Nationalist is drunken banter online with mates. Reports on today’s court proceedings in the Telegraph state that:

Lance Corporal Mikko Vehvilainen, Private Mark Barrett and Alexander Deakin were allegedly members of a chat group where racist messages were exchanged, including plans for a white-only Britain and race war. Vehvilainen, who was arrested at Sennybridge Camp in Powys, is also charged with possessing a document containing information likely to be useful for terrorism and publishing threatening, abusive or insulting material. The 32-year-old allegedly posted comments on the supremacist website, intending to stir up racial hatred, and had a copy of a manifesto written by far-right terrorist Anders Behring Breivik, who massacred 77 people in Norway in 2011.

It is highly likely that the “document containing information likely to be useful for terrorism” was the Anarchist Cookbook. Although available for purchase in the UK via Amazon, the British police have developed a habit of going on ‘fishing exercises’ whereby they raid the home of a ‘Far Right’ activist on the slightest available suspicion, in the hope that the individual will have been curious enough to have just such a document in his possession. A good example of this is the case of EDL supporter Ryan McGee, also a British soldier, whose home was raided “in an unrelated matter” before police found the document – enabling them to arrest him under terrorism legislation and subsequently jail him for two years. It is particularly interesting that two other men, arrested along with the three currently facing charges, have been released without charge. It doesn’t take much of an intellectual stretch to conclude that in these two instances, the “fishing exercise” came up blank. As a final note on this particular topic, I might add that when two young Muslims were found with copies of Anarchist Cookbook after allegedly plotting to “blow up” members of the British National Party, they were released without conviction after complaints of racism and Islamophobia. It would appear that, just as with the Rotherham horror, British justice either has a blind spot or a soft spot for ‘those of Muslim faith.’

In relation to the other charges, “publishing threatening, abusive or insulting material” can be made to relate to anything of a racial nature that non-Whites find unpleasant, while it is unlikely that the readers of, apparently a fringe website with forthright opinions on the Jewish Question, will have been any further “stirred up” by anything that Mr Vehvilainen may have said. As far as I am aware, it is not illegal in the UK to possess the manifesto of Anders Breivik, and this detail appears to have been mentioned in court in order to ‘spice up,’ by reference to murder, an otherwise dry offering for the media.

Alexander Deakin, as well as being accused of sending verboten messages on Skype, has also been faced with the same “document containing information likely to be useful for terrorism” charge as Lance Corporal Vehvilainen, although in Deakin’s case the offending documents apparently include the threatening-sounding “white resistance manual for fun.” [National Action was known for deliberately offensive pranks rather than violence]. After confirming his name and address to the court Deakin is reported as having said: ‘I’m a prisoner of conscience, I believe I’m innocent of these charges.’ Even at this early stage it is difficult to believe otherwise.

Your Existence is Terrorism

We live in an age when the meaning and understanding of words and concepts has become a key ideological and cultural battlefield. Terrorism, as a reality of Islamic immigration, has proven itself quite capable of killing Europeans in recent years. But ‘terrorism,’ as a concept, is also being used to undermine White identity and resistance to multiculturalism through the manipulation of popular understanding. Bear in mind that although Vehvilainen, Barrett, and Deakin have been arrested and charged under terrorism legislation, none are accused of engaging in, or even threatening, violence. This goes against the very definition of terrorism, which according to the Oxford Dictionary is: “The unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.” In fact, the police have already conceded that these men were no threat to the public, stating just after their arrests that the men had been detained as part of a “pre-planned and intelligence-led” operation and there had been “no threat to the public’s safety.”

Well, I suppose we should all sleep soundly in our beds knowing that three men who posed no threat to the public’s safety have been arrested for having nasty chats. Just forget about those UK Counter-Terrorism agencies that admit there are more than 3,000 Muslim terrorists walking the streets of Britain.


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