Jan – No Internet Connection, No Landline: Blacks with trucks steal copper telephone cables!


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Video: Dylann Roof is a White Nelson Mandela
Why is it that whites are held to a different moral standard than everybody else while AT THE SAME TIME, they all tell us that we are all exactly EQUAL? In what way were the actions of Dylann Roof in the USA any different to the actions of Nelson Mandela in South Africa?

Just a quick note to everyone. I lost my internet connection the evening before. I was up late, and on the Internet when suddenly it died. I switched to my backup, and checked again several times and saw that yes my ADSL line is down.

In the morning I also discovered that my land line was TOTALLY DEAD!

I reported this to the company that handles all our landlines and ADSL here.

I have since found out that blacks stole the copper wire in our area in the suburb I live in, in Johannesburg, and now all my neighbours are without phones.

I just had a hectic discussion over the phone with one of the young white guys who works for the company. He told me that blacks came with a big truck into the suburb of Linden and they went into the man-holes and stole all the copper. So now a huge area is without telephones and adsl and that is where I live.

I’m ready to dump this stupid company anyway for the extremely bad ADSL throughput and for the cost of calls, etc.

So I gave the young white guy hell over the matter. He said that Telkom, the company running all the landlines, has decided that they will NOT replace the copper in our areas. They will instead give us wireless connections.

I will look into this to see how good this is. Fibre was recently installed in my suburb, but for me its too expensive to use for my websites. So I’m trying to keep costs cheaper than that.

So that’s some feedback from South Africa on what the heck the blacks are up to! I think the economy is sinking, and we can expect more black shenanigans!!!

It was most annoying. Luckily, I have been thinking ahead and I had a pretty good Plan B so I am able to function.

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