It’s an insane Jewish world: Norwegian Woman faces prison for saying men cannot be lesbian
[This is just insane. It's actually hideous what is happening to Whites. Now this young White lady must do JAIL TIME … for some crap like this? Anders Breivik was right!!!! Jan]
A lesbian artist in Norway is facing criminal hate-speech charges punishable by up to three years in prison for stating it’s impossible for a man to become a lesbian.
Police informed Tonje Gjevjon on Nov. 17 she was under police investigation for a post on Facebook for contesting a claim made by prominent Norwegian transgender activist Christine Jentoft, a man who claims to be a lesbian mother, reported Reduxx, a site featuring "feminist news and opinion."
Jentoft leads the transgender activist group Foreningen FRI, which had successfully worked since 1997 to repeal sexual paraphilias and fetishes as mental health diagnoses in Norway and abroad.
The offending post on Gjevjon’s Facebook page read: "It’s just as impossible for men to become lesbian as it is for men to become pregnant. Men are men regardless of their sexual fetishes."
Women’s rights activists in Norway’s have opposed a 2020 amendment to the country’s hate speech legislation that added the protected category of "gender identity or gender expression," arguing it could chill free speech.
Jentoft previously accused Christina Ellingsen, a representative of Women’s Declaration International Norway, for stating men cannot be lesbians or mothers. Ellingsen’s alleged "transphobia" also is under investigation, and she, too, faces up to three years in prison if found guilty.
Last year, during an open discussion hosted by Norway’s Labour Party, Gjevjon confronted Norway’s minister of culture and equality, Anette Trettebergstuen, asking how she intended to protect the rights of women and girls and whether or not she believed that men could be lesbians.
In her question, Gjevjon said it’s "absolutely necessary to place biological sex as the basis in all contexts where sex has legal, cultural, or practical relevance, and that equating sex with gender identity has harmful, discriminatory consequences for women and girls – especially lesbians."
"Will the equality minister," Gjevjon asked, ‘take action to ensure that lesbian women’s human rights are safeguarded, by making it clear that there are no lesbians with penises, that males cannot be lesbians regardless of their gender identity, and by tidying up the mess of the harmful gender policies left behind by the previous government?
Trettebergstuen replied: "I do not share an understanding of reality where the only two biological sexes are to be understood as sex. Gender identity is also important."
Reduxx reported Foreningen FRI’s activism resulted in many paraphilia-related diagnoses being removed from Norwegian medical literature in 2010.
The World Health Organization followed suit in 2018. In the WHO’s 11th edition of the International Classification of Diseases, sadomasochism, transvestic fetishism and general fetishism were re-classified as variants in sexual arousal.
The first discrimination charge in Norway based on gender identity was filed in 2017 by a male identifying as female who complained that a woman against asked him not to shower in the women’s locker room of a sports center, Reduxx reported.
The tribunal hearing the case cleared the woman of charges but rebuked her for complaining, declaring "transgender people are vulnerable and need special protection against harassment."
The man who brought the charge said pornography and BDSM inspired his transgender identity. And Reduxx reported he recently made a video game about violently slaughtering women.
Video: Afrikaner Resistance Movement: Speech by AWB Leader Steyn von Ronge
On 2017-11-11 I attended a public gathering held by the AWB on a farm 30Km from Coligny. At the gathering were other right wing groups allied to the AWB.