JEWS: Israel and Apartheid South Africa: The BIG LIE that Israel detonated Nuclear bombs off SA East Coast


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Video: European Colonialism: How many Blacks did Whites kill? The MASSIVE Black Population Explosion
In this video I focus on the claim that whites just slaughtered and killed millions of blacks in Africa and I compare it with the actual population statistics of Africa.

[A supporter of mine sent me a link to a UK story about South Africa and Israel and nukes. See my comments at the bottom. Jan]

This is part of the story:

A few years later, on 22 September 1979, a US satellite, Vela 6911, detected the double-flash typical of a nuclear weapon test off the coast of South Africa. Leonard Weiss, a mathematician and an expert on nuclear proliferation, was working as a Senate advisor at the time and after being briefed on the incident by US intelligence agencies and the country’s nuclear weapons laboratories, he became convinced a nuclear test, in contravention to the Limited Test Ban Treaty, had taken place.

It was only after both the Carter and then the Reagan administrations attempted to gag him on the incident and tried to whitewash it with an unconvincing panel of enquiry, that it dawned on Weiss that it was the Israelis, rather than the South Africans, who had carried out the detonation.

"I was told it would create a very serious foreign policy issue for the US, if I said it was a test. Someone had let something off that US didn’t want anyone to know about," says Weiss.

Israeli sources told Hersh the flash picked up by the Vela satellite was actually the third of a series of Indian Ocean nuclear tests that Israel conducted in cooperation with South Africa.


[Jan's comments: But I had to go and read some of the sections because it is a huge LIE. I must repeat this. This irritates me intensely, and this lies continues to live. It is a HUGE LIE that South Africa EVER detonated any nuclear bombs, and what these Israeli Jews are saying IS A TOTAL LIE.

I have an entire book about South Africa's nuclear projects, and I have looked into this matter. All these stories of nuclear explosions BY SOUTH AFRICA are a LIE. South Africa never NEEDED to detonate an actual bomb in the ocean. The nuclear bomb that exploded in the ocean exploded in an area where FRANCE detonates it's bombs!

The South Africans were going to test their bomb on land. They drilled the test hole for it. Then US Satellites picked it up and that freaked the
Americans out. Maybe one day I need to do a full video on South Africa's nukes. But it's not of great importance now.

There is also a lie that the Jews helped us with nuclear stuff. No! No! No! Our nuclear plant was built by the FRENCH with West German assistance.

The most important thing SA ever bought from Israel were some big missiles. That's it. The Jews had nothing, zero – to do with anything nuclear.
We were working with: France, West Germany and Japan.

A pal of mine even worked at a nuclear installation here in SA and he told me some stuff. Jan]

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3 South African cities now rank among the 20 most violent in the world
This is an international report that was published recently. At this source link you‘ll see some interesting charts and statistics. South Africa was never like this under Apartheid.

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