Israel & Jews: Something INCREDIBLE has already happened… UAE – A country that hated Israel

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Video: Blacks massive wastage, massive inefficiency: Why Africa Wasted $1.4 Trillion in Foreign Aid
Africa is the richest continent on Earth. In fact, it is richer in minerals than the whole world combined. Yet these useless Blacks have received more food, medicines and AID than any other place on Earth. Their levels of wastage and failure are unbelievable.

One thing has already happened which nobody thought could happen. But I suspect it is bad news. I know someone who was on the inside of the "Warsaw Pact" when the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe were working together.

The man I know, was a spy… and he told me that the UAE – hated Israel, like Iran did.

Thus the fact that Israel and the UAE are now allies and friends, is a bad sign because it shows that one of Israel’s enemies has somehow broken.

We therefore need to find out WHY the UAE changed. Was it corruption?

It is a weird thing that happened, and it needs to be studied more closely.

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Video & Audio: How to think like a Genius Napoleons advice
Many Whites seem to be confused regarding skill and excellence. I look at some discussions Napoleon had in his final days regarding what exactly constitutes genius. We also look at a NAZI SS genius scientist, Werner Von Braun as proof of a man who achieved the impossible.

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