Is NAZISM the only honest system? – Are Jews harming Whites on a much bigger scale than Whites can perceive?


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S.Africa: Black man has sex with his 3yo Granddaughter
The Black guy said that this was cheaper than paying a prostitute! WTF? Read it for yourself!

Recently, as I have been reading, studying, thinking, etc – there are some things that are beginning to make me wonder that even those of us who are awake to the Jews, whether the Jews are screwing our race on a grander scale than even we realise?

My initial thinking had to do with the faking of Black success, and the faking of White failure. But as I sit and ponder many things, including Capitalism itself, I’m seriously beginning to think that we might appear to have weaknesses WHICH WE ACTUALLY DON’T HAVE … but what has ensnared us IS THE SYSTEM!

I am finding myself looking at Capitalism more and more, and wondering if we are being F*CKED OVER on a GIGANTIC SCALE. There are more and more things about so-called "Free Market Capitalism" that I am questioning. I am also asking myself whether Socialism, as in National Socialism, is not the ONLY SANE WAY forward? And that it may have massive power, but we don’t realise it yet. The more I view the NAZIs the more I think that their methods WERE THE ONLY SANE METHODS AND THE MOST EFFICIENT METHODS and that the net end result is massively powerful.

I’m finding myself questioning more, and more and more things – Things which I never had any intention of questioning, nor had a motive, nor interest in questioning. But upon more and more reflection, I’m thinking we’re being played and screwed over on a gigantic scale.

I will return to this when I have more solid thoughts. But I’m thinking, the ONLY HONEST SYSTEM WAS NAZISM.

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Video: Why Britain is the ENEMY of Rhodesians, Boers, Ethnic Europeans & Japan
I am NOT attacking the FEW British who have woken up (past & present) to the plight of the Race. The British I am referring to are the Liberalised British.

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