Is a Cash Recall coming in America? – My Replies to an American…


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This is what a White American was sending to me and other people:

Is Biden going to announce the RECALL OF ALL CASH MONEY next month, like this guy is implying ?????? Well, over a year ago he did issue his Executive Order #14067, which was aimed at doing away with CASH and going to a C§BDC SYSTEM. CBDC = Central Bank Digital Currency. Keep in mind that a STRONG CENTRAL BANK is plank #5 of the COMMUNIST MANIFESTO, so if you have had any doubts or suspicions where Bidens sympathies lie, this is something else you can consider along with all his other WHACKJOB ideas he has squirming around in his diseased brain. With a CBDC system in place, the KOMMIEKRAT KONTROLLERS will be able to shut your account off with the flip of a switch, so you won’t be able to buy necessities or pay your bills. Furthermore, every penny you spend will be known them, and they could deny any purchase they don’t like. Everyone will be at their mercy, and members of opposing parties could be targeted for extinction. They could empty your account by just deleting blips on a computer screen. TRAITOR JOE and his KOMMIE KRONIES think they got it all figured out !!!!!!

I replied to him:

You’re going a bit over the top on some stuff. Be careful of crying wolf too much.

I can’t see a cash recall happening.

He replied to me:

Biden’s Executive Order #14067 is designed to replace cash with Centeal Bsnk Digital Currency.

It is the KOMMIES wet dream, the ultimate Fifth Plank of the KOMMIE Manifesto ! Biden would love to see ALL cash recalled, and replaced with his CBDC’s. And so would all the Kgazarian Mafia Federal Reserve Bankster Gangsters. It would give them almost total control over the goys.

My final reply to him:

I find it hard to believe that Biden and the Government can FORCE all Americans to give up cash. I find it impossible to believe that Americans, especially White Americans would put up with this. Biden is welcome to try, but I think the push back against this will be 1000 times stronger than the push back against COVID vaccines. Biden can try until he’s blue in the face. I can’t see him actually pulling this off.

That would be like trying to take guns away from every American. I cannot see normal, common Americans actually putting up with it. I think they’ll go crazy and will fight it tooth and nail across the board.

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