IMPORTANT: Total US Support: USA gave Jewish Israel $4 trillion in support
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[This is an interesting article that someone put together. Jews have scammed Trillions of Dollars out of the Germans … but they've done the same to America! Jan]
I asked Grok to account for the cost of all direct aid, plus money spent on securing peace with Israel’s regional neighbours, and any other costs of support that can be measured.
Noting that Israel has been the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign aid since its founding in 1948, Grok cites the Congressional Research Service (CRS) to show the U.S. has provided Israel with over $310 billion in direct aid (adjusted for inflation) since 1948. This is about $225 billion in military aid, and $80 billion in economic aid.
Since the onset of the Israel-Hamas conflict on October 7, 2023, the U.S. has significantly increased military aid. Grok finds an estimate from A Brown University report, putting the figure to at least $17.9 billion in military aid from October 7, 2023, to late 2024. Additionally, the current MOU (2019–2028) commits the U.S. to $3.8 billion annually, totaling $38 billion over the decade, with $5 billion earmarked for missile defense programs.
But this is just direct aid. The U.S. has also invested heavily in regional stability to support Israel’s security, often tied to peace agreements with neighboring countries. These costs are difficult to measure, and so the numbers Grok generates here are just the most conservative estimate.
The best example is Egypt. Following the 1979 Camp David Accords, the U.S. pledged significant aid to Egypt to secure peace with Israel. From 1948 to 2022, Egypt received approximately $85 billion (inflation-adjusted), with about $56 billion in military aid and $29 billion in economic aid.
In 2019, Egypt received $1.4 billion as part of a broader Middle East aid package of $3.1 billion intended to secure regional stability for Israel.
Grok concludes that conservatively, the U.S. has spent over $120 billion (inflation-adjusted) since 1948 on Egypt, Jordan, and other neighbours to secure peace agreements and stability benefiting Israel, and notes that this figure excludes broader diplomatic or military operation costs.
But there are yet more costs:
- Since October 7, 2023, the U.S. has spent at least $4.86 billion on enhanced military operations in the Middle East, including deploying aircraft carriers, fighter squadrons, and the THAAD missile defense system to deter Iran and its proxies (e.g., Houthis, Hezbollah). This figure, from Brown University, covers operations through late 2024 and excludes costs post-Lebanon escalation in September 2024.
Historical operations (e.g., post-1973 Yom Kippur War) add unquantified billions, but no precise total exists.
Loan Guarantees and Forgiven Loans: The U.S. has provided over $24 billion in loan guarantees since 1992 (e.g., $9 billion in 2003 for economic recovery), not counted as direct aid since no funds are transferred unless default occurs. Historically, some military loans (pre-1984) were forgiven, adding to the $225 billion military aid total.
This gives Grok the following calculations:
Direct Aid: $310 billion (1948–2023) + $17.9 billion (2023–2024) + $3.8 billion (2025 annualized) ˜ $331.7 billion.
Regional Peace Costs: ~$120 billion (Egypt, Jordan, others since 1948).
Other Support Costs: $4.86 billion (operations since 2023) + $10 billion (missile defense pre-2023) + unquantified historical operations ˜ $15–20 billion (conservative estimate, excluding unmeasured costs).
Grand Total: Approximately $466.7–471.7 billion (inflation-adjusted to 2023 dollars, with some 2024–2025 costs in nominal terms). This figure could rise with ongoing conflicts and untracked expenses (e.g., intelligence, pre-2023 operations).
So Grok gives us a figure of almost half a trillion dollars in measurable costs. There is much we can’t account for, like the cost of isolating and sanctioning countries like Iran and other opportunity costs geopolitically. Grok gives me an estimate of $452–$955 billion for the total cost of isolating and sanctioning Iran, but I will omit this figure since people can quibble about the degree to which America’s adversarial stance to Iran is because of Israel (I would argue almost entirely.) But keep that figure in mind.
But lastly, in my opinion we must also include the costs of the Iraq War.
There is no doubt the Iraq War would not have happened if not for the influence of Israel-first Zionists. The chief architects of the Iraq War — Douglas Feith, Richard Perle, David Wurmser, Paul Wolfowitz, Abram Shulsky — were hawkish Jewish Zionists, with some of the aforementioned involved in drafting the "Clean Break memo" for Benjamin Netanyahu, which called for an overthrow of the Saddam regime. The Jewish-led Office of Special Plans, created by Wolfowitz and Feith, created the fake intelligence used to justify the war.
Additionally, the sociologist James Petras has documented that the Jewish lobby was the most influential force behind pushing for the Iraq War, finding over 2,000 statements, press releases, conferences, op-eds etc. from the Jewish lobby which helped push America’s leadership into supporting regime change in Iraq, a long-time goal of Israeli foreign policy.
The Nobel Prize winning economist Joseph Stiglitz has estimated the cost of the Iraq War to be $3 trillion, and even more conservative estimates still put it at around $2 trillion.
So in conclusion, the answer to the question "what has American support for Israel cost America?" is at least half a trillion dollars. But including the greatest case of American blood and treasure spilled for Israeli interests — The Iraq War — the figure we are left with is $3.5 trillion. Or, just over $10,000 for every man, woman and child in the U.S.. And, if we include the costs of isolating Iran because of its hostility to Israel, the number would rise to well over $4 trillion.
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