IMPORTANT: Poll: Proof that Jewish Liberal Mass Media lies to Americans about Cops killing Blacks
Video & Audio: Hitler the Scientific Academic Genius: His Evolutionary Herd Theory of Humans
They are always tell you that Hitler was old fashioned or stupid. The reality is the total opposite. Jordan Peterson or Jews will tell you that humans do not function in groups. We look at humans, including Whites as herds of animals. What does this mean?
[So here is an actual poll that proves that the Jewish media is lying to Americans and misinforming them about crime!! This is what happens when you let the Jew get into people's minds. The Jews lie to people to push their own agenda. Jan]
Fewer than 50 unarmed black suspects were killed by police last year and more people were killed with knives than with so-called “assault weapons,” but viewers of MSNBC and CNN are far more likely than Fox News viewers to get those facts wrong.
A new Heartland Institute and Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 50% of Likely U.S. Voters who say MSNBC or CNN is their favorite cable news outlet believe more than 100 unarmed African Americans were fatally shot by police in 2020. By contrast, only 22% of Fox News viewers believe police shot more than 100 unarmed black people last year. (To see survey question wording, click here.)
Nearly a quarter of CNN viewers (24%) and almost one-in-five MSNBC viewers (19%) think cops fatally shot more than 500 unarmed black suspects last year, but only nine percent (9%) of Fox News viewers think so. Fox News viewers (60%) were about three times more likely than viewers of MSNBC (19%) or CNN (23%) to correctly estimate the number of unarmed black people shot and killed by police in 2020 as less than 50. Sixty percent (60%) of talk radio listeners also estimated the number correctly.
I am quite happy to do SHORTS or SUMMARIES of important videos that you think might reach a wider audience if I did something shorter. Just contact me and give me a list of videos, even really long ones, like 6 hours, if you want a SHORT or a SUMMARY. Then Ill fit it into my schedule and that way, in some weeks I might release a normal video plus a short or summary.