IMPORTANT: I’m looking for Evalion


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Video: Jewish Mind Games & Henry Kissinger
This is an analysis of Jews at work and their bold bullshit. I specifically discuss the Jew Henry Kissinger.

I’m looking for Evalion, the Canadian girl who did those excellent videos about Hitler. The last I heard she got married to a guy in the USA.

I’ve spoken to the people who used to have contact with her, and nobody seems to be in touch with her.

I also know about a video she and her husband did lauding Stalin I think it was.

I know many people accused her of being a Jew and a rat. I don’t believe that at all. I have some ideas of my own what may have happened to her.

I very much want to speak to her and her husband.

If anyone can get hold of them, ask them to leave a message for me on my contact us page. I check the messages quite regularly.


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Video: Economic War: White Labour Vs Jewish Capital
In this video I discuss the economic fight and how Whites can save themselves.

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