Video: Top Communist Jew: Ronnie Kasrils: Why Jews HATED Dr Verwoerd & LOVED Mandela
In this video you will hear me asking Ronnie Kasrils a question, and he spends quite a while answering it.
As I have said in my latest video, Hitler is a SCIENTIST and a HISTORIAN. Hitler and Napoleon complained that the way history is written is RUBBISH. I want to confirm this: EVERYTHING HITLER SAYS: ALL HIS VIEWS AND HIS VALUES ARE BASED 100% on SCIENCE AND HISTORY. He uses SCIENCE AND HISTORY TO EXTRACT THE LAWS OF NATURE AND HOW THE WORLD WORKS. THAT’S THE SOURCE OF ALL HIS KNOWLEDGE AND THOUGHTS. You will know his system as NAZISM, but it’s nothing more than a REALISTIC UNDERSTANDING OF HOW NATURE ACTUALLY WORKS. Christianity, I should add, is anti-nature. All Jewish derived thinking is anti-nature. (e.g. Global morality, Equality, etc). That is why Hitler hates Jews and dislikes Jew-derivatives. NAZISM is about accepting the world, the way it really is. That’s all there is to it. Nothing more. Hitler is NOT EMOTIONAL. Hitler is ALL LOGIC and ALL REALITY. IF THE ARYAN SPIRIT IS LEFT TO WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH NATURE, ARYANS WILL CONQUER THE WHOLE WORLD. WORKING WITH NATURE WILL LEAD DIRECTLY TO TOTAL VICTORY FOR ARYANS.
German books about Jews, Hitler & NAZIS
There are a lot of books on this website and some seem to be very new. They are openly discussing the Jews, Hitler, the SS, etc.