IMPORTANT: COVID: South Africa is OFFICIALLY in a NATIONAL STATE OF DISASTER since March 2020 – My Comments


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Video: Zimbabwe: Goblins are attacking Blacks and forcing schools to close
Here‘s a White guy in Scotland who is realising the insanity that can happen in Africa. He can‘t believe what he is reading and it is in the mass media.

[The South African Government, led by the Black Jewish Communist Ramaphosa, has officially declared South Africa to be in a STATE OF DISASTER since last year. And even now, this state of disaster is not over. They are renewing it regularly. The author of this letter is a White man in charge of the Western Cape. I have wondered if he is a Jew, but can't see evidence for it. I don't see any reason to suppose this government will step back from the state of national disaster any time soon. It seems to me this will continue for months to come, perhaps even longer. Jan]

Western Cape premier Alan Winde has written a letter to president Cyril Ramaphosa, requesting a consultation with provinces before any extension on the declaration of the national state of disaster is promulgated.

“During this consultation, I have also asked for transparency on the national government’s proposed roadmap out of the national state of disaster, which has not yet been made public or shared with provinces, despite the significant impact that the continued declaration has on the provincial economy and our constitutional powers,” Winde said.

“It is only fair on our residents, and especially our job-creating businesses, that this clarity is provided. We cannot be in a state of disaster forever, and we need to have a clear plan for its termination. This will provide much-needed confidence to the economy, which remains under great pressure.”

The government declared a national state of disaster under Section 27(1) and Section 27(2) of the Disaster Management Act on 15 March 2020 in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

While the national state of disaster was initially set to lapse on 15 June 2020, the act provides that it can be extended by the Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs minister by notice in the gazette for one month at a time before it lapses.

The government has relied on the regulations to introduce and give effect to lockdown restrictions, which it has used to curb the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic.

However, it has also faced criticism for giving the national government wide-ranging powers over the lives of citizens, with few limits and little to no oversight from parliament.

The state of disaster is currently scheduled to end on 15 October, subject to a further monthly extension.


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