IMPORTANT: COVID by RACE! & Up to 63% of South Africans have had Covid-19, blood donor tests suggest – My Comments
Photos: Putin and the JEWS: The false belief that Putin will save the White Race
In 2017, in this article I pointed out how much nonsense is being written in the White Right about Putin being some kind of saviour of the White Race. I pointed out his links to Jews. Putin is a Jew-friendly Russian ruler. Since then I‘ve discovered even more data to support this.
[Shouldn't we soon have HERD IMMUNITY? That happens at 80%. Take note of the information by race. Just a further note: In South Africa, Whites donate blood a lot compared to the other races. It is interesting that COVID has moved faster among Blacks, but then again, its not surprising. They interact much more. So the sealing off of people in their homes has slowed down the spread among Whites a lot. I still think the whole thing is silly. Lockdown is idiotic. Jan]
A study published on Friday, led by authors from the National Blood Service, shows that a large percentage of the population has probably already been infected with SARS-CoV-2 and that there are striking differences in prevalence between blacks and whites.
Over seven days between January 7 and 25, 4,858 blood donors were tested for antibodies to the virus that causes Covid-19. These antibodies help the body neutralise the effects of SARS-CoV-2 and we have them only if we have been previously infected.
The tests were done in four provinces: 1,457 in the Eastern Cape, 463 in the Northern Cape; 831 in the Free State; and 2,107 in KwaZulu-Natal.
Extrapolating their results to the whole population, the researchers estimated that 63% of people in the Eastern Cape have been infected since the epidemic started, 32% in the Northern Cape, 46% in the Free State and 52% in KwaZulu-Natal.
This is massively more than the clinically confirmed case rates of between 2% and 3% in these four provinces.
Particularly striking was the difference between races. Black people were between three times (Northern Cape) and five times (KwaZulu-Natal) more likely than white people to have antibodies to the virus.
Asians in KwaZulu-Natal had higher prevalence than whites, but lower than blacks. The researchers did not find any significant differences across age or sex.
“Our study demonstrates substantial differences in dissemination of SARS-CoV-2 infection between different race groups, most likely explained by historically-based differences in socio-economic status and housing conditions,” the researchers write.
The authors acknowledge that blood donors are not representative of the population but write: “It seems plausible that these estimates are reasonably generalisable to actual population level anti-SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence, but should be further verified.”
The study has not yet been peer-reviewed.
What about the new variant?
The extent to which antibodies against the original form of the coronavirus offer protection against the new variant 501Y.V2, first detected in SA in November, is unknown. But it seems likely given that the study was undertaken last month that a significant proportion of donors were at some point infected with 501Y.V2.
Are we reaching herd immunity?
The herd immunity threshold changes from area to area and time to time depending on whether people are physically distancing, wearing masks and reducing the number of large events they attend.
But perhaps the key question is this: are we approaching the herd immunity threshold so that we can return to the way we lived before lockdown? It’s hard to be sure but probably not yet. There is still room for a third wave, especially in predominantly white suburbs.
Also, we still don’t know enough about how likely people are to become reinfected with the 501Y.V2 strain or future strains that may evolve. We also don’t know how much less likely people are to become very ill the second time they are infected.
How does this compare with other prevalence studies?
Last year, long before the second wave, 35% to 41% seroprevalence was found among pregnant women and people with HIV attending public clinics in Cape Town.
A survey in November in Nairobi, Kenya, found 35% of residents had SARS-CoV-2 antibodies. A recent study in Delhi, India found more than half the population had been infected.
But surveys in Europe and North America have usually reported much lower prevalence.
This explains the high Eastern Cape excess death rate
According to the Medical Research Council, the Eastern Cape’s excess death rate is extraordinarily high: 485 per 100,000 people. This is far higher than the official Covid-19 infection mortality rate for any country.
But the blood bank survey makes it possible to estimate the infection mortality rate in the Eastern Cape at about 0.8%, which is in the range of plausible death rates for SARS-CoV-2.
Why is race still used?
It would be a “head-in-the-sand” approach to pretend there are no socio-economic differences in SA between races as defined under apartheid. Race is still a predictor of health for most of the country. It was important for the researchers to study this.
What Jews say: Why ALL Whites must DIE! The INTENSE Jewish HATRED of the White Race
Here are various quotes from Jews showing their intense hatred of Whites everywhere. Take special note of Jewish academics like Susan Sontag and Professor Ignatiev and what they say about our race. There are lots of quotes from many famous Jews about the need to destroy the European people.