Important: Christopher Jon Bjerknes – A man who lies massively about HITLER – A JEW?


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Video: WTA03: The White End Game: How Portugal and S.Africa almost conquered all of Southern Africa
In this video we look at the amazing plans of South Africa and Portugal to beat the Blacks in Africa. The results of their efforts still stand to this day, and nobody notices it.

Today, for the first time I was watching a video by Christopher Jon Bjerknes for the first time, and I heard a whole lot of real rubbish. I was rather astounded by it.

So I did a bit of checking with my friends and they confirmed that he is a GERMAN HATER and he has some kind of Jewish heritage!! AHA!!!!

So there you have it… and he was saying how much he was going to write about Hitler being a communist, and LOTS LOTS MORE of this coming.

I am well aware that Hitler and the NAZIs had to deal with large numbers of Germans who were turned into communists … BY THE JEWS and they had to win their minds back.

But to call Hitler a communist agent … is much like the old conservatives I used to believe in. Its all complete nonsense.

Anyway, I thought afterwards that anything produced by this fellow, deserves to be thrown in a fire and burnt. Clearly he is out to totally muddle up and screw up all the facts about the Germans.

He reminds me of someone else: JORDAN PETERSON the Canadian “intellectual”.


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Video: When Belgium, White Africans & Blacks fought the Evil Communist Loving UN
This is the strange story of how the Belgians were forced out of their own colony by the globalist United Nations and how America sided with communists. Facing them were Blacks who were supported by the Belgians, South Africans and Rhodesians.

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