I never took Alex Jones seriously: Never calls out Jews or Commies – Blames the NAZIS!!!
In Israel Legislators Introduce a Bill to Punish Christians who Tell People about Jesus. They want to jail them!
[This is a note I sent to someone as we were discussing Alex Jones. The other person was giving me data on Alex Jones Jewish connections and that he is really just controlled opposition. Jan]
I wrote:
Yes I noticed for sure he never mentioned the Jews. There was one time for a short while where he did it once and then a bunch of people were fooled. I think he even had David Duke on – ONCE!!! Just enough to fool people. But divorced his wife (real divorce or imaginary one) when there were questions about him. He NEVER speaks about the Jews, he NEVER speaks about Communism. And yeah, he will say its the "NAZIS" – FFS!!! But to be frank with you, when I first heard of him in 2012, I listened a bit to what he said and I felt it was "empty". He doesn’t tell any truths that are hard. I was switched off to him very early on. I never took him seriously. He may have a huge audience, but I was never impressed by him. He did one or two good shows about violence in South Africa, but otherwise, I regarded him as being empty.
White Shop: Rhodesia is Super T-Shirt
In the 1970s Rhodesia came up with this logo with this cute little elephant. There were LOTS of elephants in Rhodesia and the Whites were proud of that. The classic elephant and flag logo used by the Rhodesian Tourism authority in the 1970s and 1980s to promote tourism to that country.