I Concede Nothing: Trump Blasts Fake News Media For Saying He Conceded To Biden – My Comments


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[You will have to see the actual tweets at the source. I am very concerned if Trump gives up. I'm really delighted to see some fight back here. The whole situation still concerns me. He had a huge election victory, delivered to him by white Americans and that thing has now quietly disappeared. Something very weird has happened here and now people are making out as if it did not happen. I would like to see Trump fighting to the bitter end.  Jan]

Update: Well, as we said earlier, "we doubt Trump will agree with the left’s characterization of the tweets as a concession", and sure enough just an hour after tweeting that Biden "won because the Election was Rigged", which most liberal and Anti-Trump media outlets sprung to defined as an "apparent concession", Trump followed with another tweet – which has yet to be censored by Twitter – in which he explained how he feels: "He only won in the eyes of the FAKE NEWS MEDIA. I concede NOTHING! We have a long way to go. This was a RIGGED ELECTION!"

In a tweet which Bloomberg and various other mainstream media outlets immediately dubbed an "apparent concession" by the president, shortly before 8am ET Trump – who has so far refused to acknowledge Biden’s victory – tweeted that Joe Biden "won because the Election was Rigged." It was his 9th tweet of the morning and the first time Trump has acknowledged a victory by Joe Biden even in a passing comment.

In the tweet Trump lashed out at the secrecy of the process and the involvement of the Dominion vote tabulation company, while slamming the "fake and silent" media:

NO VOTE WATCHERS OR OBSERVERS allowed, vote tabulated by a Radical Left privately owned company, Dominion, with a bad reputation & bum equipment that couldn’t even qualify for Texas (which I won by a lot!), the Fake & Silent Media, & more!”

In a follow up tweet, Trump also lashed out at the "mechanical glitches" of election night which he said "were really THEM getting caught trying to steal votes. They succeeded plenty, however, without getting caught." His conclusion: "Mail-in elections are a sick joke!"

Both tweets, like most of the president’s recent tweets about the election, were flagged by Twitter as containing disputed claims about election fraud.

We doubt Trump will agree with the left’s characterization of the tweets as a concession however: as recently as Saturday Trump tweeted that “We will WIN!,” and railed against vote-recounting efforts in Georgia, while tweeting about problems with voting-machine irregularities.

The Trump campaign has launched numerous lawsuits seeking to overturn, audit, and recount various state votes. So far the campaign’s legal challenges have not claimed the software used in tabulating the votes affected the outcome.

In a recent conversation with Geraldo Rivera, Trump said he would “do the right thing” but wanted to see “what states do” in certifying their election results over the next few weeks.

He also told Washington Examiner columnist Byron York that he thought that "maybe" he had lost, before ultimately rejecting the idea. Trump said it was important to file legal challenges to examine allegations of fraud. “Never bet against me,” Trump said.

Source: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/trump-tweets-biden-won-election-because-vote-was-rigged

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