Hypocritical Israel to Deport 40,000 Black Refugees to an African Country
Vladimir Putin confirms Hitler & NAZIs were RIGHT: The original Bolshevik Communist Govt was JEWISH!
Speaking at Moscows Jewish Museum: Russian President Vladimir Putin said that at least 80 percent of the members of the first Soviet government were Jewish.
[The Daily Stormer ran this article. This is yet another example of those lying, disgusting, filthy Jewish hypocrites at work. The Jewish filth have one requirement for whites and quite another for themselves in their own racist, disgusting little rat hole called Israel. Jan]
40,000 blacks from Eritrea and Sudan currently held against their will in Israel’s Holot concentration camp will now be deported to a random country in Africa.
This announcement comes in the same week that the Israeli government condemned the Poles marching against immigration and globalism, while demanding the Polish government arrest the organizers.
With that kind of chutzpah, they might as well come out and start making fun of our noses.
Suddenly the international conventions and human rights treaties that Western plutocrats claim force us to take in unlimited millions of immigrants from Africa and Asia don’t apply to Israel.
The Jewish groups in America unanimously oppose Trump’s wall but support Israel. Jewish groups unanimously support an uncapped number of refugees to white countries, but support Israel. Jewish groups unanimously spout 1960s style world-citizen globalism but support Israel.
It is time to increase the pace of deporting African migrants, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told the cabinet on Sunday.
Netanyahu said he has a three-pronged policy regarding getting migrants to leave the country, with the current focus being to encourage most of them to self-deport to a third country – which reports have identified as Rwanda.In the years prior to 2012, a flood of African migrants crossed into Israel illegally, at one point reaching around 64,000 annually.
Netanyahu said that the state had already carried out the first two prongs of its strategy: stopping the flow of new migrants by building a wall and through legislation, as well as getting more than 20,000 migrants to leave.
The third stage of deporting migrants at an increased pace, he said, “can be carried out thanks to an international agreement which I obtained which allows us to deport the 40,000 remaining infiltrators against their will.”“This is very important. This will allow us to empty the Holot Detention Center in the future and to redirect portions of the large resources we are using there,” from guarding the migrants, to other needs of the state.
Netanyahu was discussing an initiative announced last week by Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan and Interior Minister Arye Deri to close Holot, an “open” detention center where a few thousand migrants have been sent to try to convince them to self-deport.
Erdan and Deri’s idea would be to offer migrants the choice of “voluntarily” deporting to a third country or being put in regular prison indefinitely.
Just as an aside, Sudan and Eritrea are the origin nations of most of Europe’s African invaders pillaging and raping from Italy to Sweden.
Somehow these states are totally powerless and incapable of obtaining “agreements” like Israel thanks, well, to Jews!
But here’s the best part: the country these blacks are being dumped in, Rwanda, is a notorious human trafficking hub.
It is unclear if Israel is going to continue to pay blacks it has been deporting to these “third countries” $3,500, but if so, that’s enough to pay for the trip from East Africa to Libya, and then to Europe.
Don’t be surprised if these Africans Israel is throwing out all “end up” in Europe. Two years ago, the Africans ISIS killed in Libya were deported from Israel and planning to enter Europe.
Keep calling Jews misguided liberals and keep looking like a smart-idiot. Or my new term for smart-idiot: “a Jordan Peterson.”
Jews are cut throats. Jews are bandits. Jews have no mercy for anyone who is different from them, white or black or Arab. Jews don’t believe what they say, they lie. A few people bring up the obvious “Holocaust” comparison, and they either laugh or don’t give a shit.
Now that they are able to express themselves through a state just for them, all speculation on who they really are is over.
Israel deports blacks because they know diversity is bad and negroes are violent criminals.
Israel and Jewish diaspora demands the West not even put quotas on negro immigration because they know diversity is bad and negroes are violent criminals.
How hard is the Jewish question to understand?
Source: https://dailystormer.hk/israel-to-deport-40000-black-refugees-to-random-african-country/
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