HIV AIDS: Fell into the Memory Hole: When Blacks in Africa were dying like FLIES – 1990’s


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Video & Audio: Race War: Boers Vs Zulus: The Battle of Blood River
16th December is the single most important day of the year for the Whites of South Africa, especially the Boers. It commemorates a fascinating day wherein the Christians believe they struck a deal with God and that God came through for them.

I found a lot of HIV/AIDS related posts from my original AfricanCrisis. In the late 1990s into the early 2000’s Blacks were dropping dead from AIDS. Also, the rate of AIDS between Blacks and Whites was very different. It was something like 8x higher among Blacks than among whites. Also AIDS was heterosexual in Africa, not like in America where it is mostly gay. Western methods saved the Blacks. Hundreds of millions could have died in 20-30 years. Africa could have been depopulated. They were mostly saved by being given lots of free condoms and being taught hygiene – and then many millions of dying Blacks were saved by getting extremely expensive drug cocktails sent to Africa for FREE by the US Government. I think the US Government was spending over a billion dollars a year sending these free drug cocktails to Africa to save the lives of these worthless Black ingrates. When I look back at the past news, it seems to me as if a lot of the early AIDS stuff has fallen into the memory hole. By late 1999 Blacks were dropping dead like FLIES in southern Africa. People were dying at an insane rate in Zimbabwe and Zambia. The Blacks were panicking like crazy. Funeral parlours were booming. I think they were also running out of coffins and were inventing cheap coffins made of cardboard, etc. It really seems to me like it fell through the memory hole.

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Video: Ban Judaism!
This video did not last long on Youtube. This is a video where I explain why Judaism should be BANNED! It should be outlawed and made ILLEGAL!

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