Hitler’s surprising thoughts on Napoleon and Frederick the Great – Political flops of Hitler and Napoleon


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I was quite astounded when Hitler judged Frederick the Great, the king of Prussia, to be greater than Napoleon. I found it quite fascinating reading. It gave me cause for thought. It shows Hitler’s deep and incisive mind. He raised issues about Napoleon, and his political mistakes. He attributed it to Napoleon being a Corsican. It has to do with Napoleon becoming an Emperor and making his brothers Kings.

Hitler said that Frederick did other things better than Napoleon.

When I assess the criticisms, I will say that the issues Hitler raised had to do with POLITICAL MOVES by Napoleon. The same is true for what he said about Frederick the Great. This does not change Napoleon’s incredible abilities on the battlefield. On the battlefield, Napoleon was definitely incredible and you can’t fault him on his military abilities. That is where he was the strongest.

Yes, I would agree when it gets to politics, that is where Napoleon tried many things and they were mildly successful or they were outright flops. But as a military commander, Napoleon is a God of War. And he even exceeds Frederick in that regard. But he and Frederick are up there near the top.

That Frederick made wise political and organisational moves in peace time is clearly a feather in his cap.

However, Hitler himself was not immune to making political errors. While his political errors were not as bad as those of Napoleon, he himself had some big flops too. I think the reason is because both Hitler and Napoleon faced the same intransigent enemy, Britain, and both fought themselves fighting endless wars brought on by the British and the Jews, and eventually they were both struggling.

Among the enormous flops of Hitler was his immense efforts to be nice to the British in the hope that the vengeful British could be dealt with diplomatically. For example, it was Hitler’s decision alone, to let the entire British army escape at Dunkirk! Hitler’s generals were furious at this move. But this move was a 100% flop for Hitler. It totally backfired on him in every way.

Another error that even Goering pointed out, was Hitler’s declaration of war on the USA. The USA was fighting a dirty undeclared war at sea. But the Germans were just taking the beating without making a fuss about it because that was better than facing the full on force of the USA. So Hitler declared war on America in support of Japan.

Where this went horribly wrong for Hitler was that the fiendish Jew-driven allies, once they had a reason to drag the USA into the war, the British got the Americans to focus the majority of the war effort on Germany FIRST even though it was Japan who had attacked them. We must never forget that the MAIN EFFORT of ALL THE ALLIES was GERMANY BEFORE JAPAN.

If the Americans had instead focused on their main enemy, then Japan would have fallen before Germany. But the Americans under the fiend Roosevelt was just looking for any excuse to get into the war.

If America had concentrated it’s main force on Japan the Germans would still have been kicking ass in Europe, probably well into 1946 and maybe much longer. In fact, Germany might then have survived the war because the Germans were developing excellent weapons.

But Roosevelt and Churchill were looking FROM DAY ONE for a reason to focus the effort on Germany.

It is always easy with 20/20 hindsight to say things about great men. However, on the whole, I think Hitler did better politically than Napoleon. But I think in WAR, Napoleon did better than Hitler. This is where these two great men had different strengths.

Make no mistake, I think highly of Frederick the Great as well.

Those were 3 amazing White males!!! Demi-Gods in their own right.

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