History Reviewed banned off Twitter – 2nd time! – I said: KILL EVERY SINGLE JEW!


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BIG BLACK LIES ABOUT APARTHEID! The lie that Whites killed MILLIONS of Blacks!
Here in South Africa, black Govt ministers have even said in Parliament that Apartheid killed MILLIONS of blacks. This is a total lie.

[I was banned from Twitter for the 2nd time in a few months, this time in the massive Twitter purge of white nationalists. It seems they can ban you retroactively for something you did months ago! They informed me that I was banned for this tweet wherein I quoted Alex Linder! I don’t mind being banned for this. I meant every word in it! I might return to Twitter because of one or two people who post awesome stuff. But I won’t be worrying about building up a following there. Instead my advice to whites is: JOIN GAB.AI the ONLY true free speech platform for whites! Jan]

@waytruthlife919 @fuzeyuji @FullGoy Jews my friend are the garbage of the human race. Alex Linder is right: Kill every single one of them.
7:54 PM – 27 Jul 2017

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HORRIFIC STATISTICS: The Horror of Black Communist Rule in S. Africa since 1994
This is doing the rounds on a big scale here in South Africa among Whites. This will give you an idea of the horror of Black rule.

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