GREEN JEWISH COMMUNIST EVIL: Canadian President Trudeau’s mad plan to destroy Alberta’s economy – 4th largest oil reserves on EARTH! – My Comments
Video: Blacks massive wastage, massive inefficiency: Why Africa Wasted $1.4 Trillion in Foreign Aid
Africa is the richest continent on Earth. In fact, it is richer in minerals than the whole world combined. Yet these useless Blacks have received more food, medicines and AID than any other place on Earth. Their levels of wastage and failure are unbelievable.
[I have a soft spot for the Canadians. They have some really cool stuff there. Canada could become an enormously powerful country if it could grow it's White population. It has serious potential. Alberta is filled with oil and gas … almost every part of it. See my Hutterite (White Socialism) video – you'll see some of that discussed there. Alberta's reserves are the 4th largest ON THE PLANET!!!! Actual data: "Alberta's oil sands has the fourth-largest oil reserves in the world, after Venezuela, Saudi Arabia and Iran. Alberta's oil sands' proven reserves equal about 165.4 billion barrels (bbl)." So why is the globalist nutcase President pushing costly green on Alberta? It is pissing off Canadians in Alberta. The people there are really pissed off by this. I sent this note to the Canadian lady who sent me this story: "It makes no sense and I think some of these leaders are either deeply in with the Jews or they are actually quite stupid too and they believe the crap that the Jews tell them. Things like "Going green" have done damage in Germany and Europe and I look on lots of these big concepts as merely Jewish crap. AND it is crap that works AGAINST THE WEST and helps Jews. I don't trust any of this stuff. The west must become nationalist again. The Whites in the west are being scammed up to their eyeballs and being F*CKED over to the tune of billions and very likely trillions by these Jews. That's my take on the matter." I personally think a lot of Green junk, even in the USA, for decades, has had communists and all kinds of filth involved in it. You basically get people who HATE THE COUNTRY – ENEMIES WITHIN – and they try to MISDIRECT a nation towards destruction. This has been going on in the USA for DECADES!! The Western World is constantly being scammed and MASSIVELY MISDIRECTED BY JEWS AWAY FROM AWESOME SUCCESS. I am more and more certain of this as time goes by. Jan]
Trudeau announced he is ending Alberta industry
Whether you live in Alberta or not – I hope that you agree with me that Alberta Oil is good for the planet.
Trudeau has made it clear that he would rather Saudi Arabia and their friends have a monopoly on oil production.
He is prepared to grind the people of Alberta into the dirt to show off to his globalist pals in Glasgow.
To him – you are simply collateral damage.
So are the families that will be forced into unemployment. The kids whose families couldn’t save up any money to send them to college. The new mothers who will be made to send their kids to government childcare centres so that they can work minimum wage jobs…
It’s all part of the plan that Trudeau announced today at COP26.
The mainstream media across the country will be praising this move, while the media within Alberta will be ignoring it – hoping to keep the people who this will destroy in the dark as long as possible.
Trudeau needs to feel pushback.
Keep fighting for what is right,
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