Video: Heroes: The French Pilot who fought the United Nations alone in Africa!
This is the story of a French pilot named Max, who, incredibly, waged his own one-man war against the United Nations!
[This is a communication to one of my supporters in the USA. Jan]
US Senator Roger Wicker
US Senator Cindy Hyde Smith
December 21st, 2020
This letter is to remind you That; The GOP Voters from Mississippi voted Overwhelmingly for President Trump; and are livid about the Massive Election Fraud that Occurred in the 2020 POTUS Election. A credible summary of this Transgression against the American People is contained in the 36 Page Election Fraud Report Authored by Peter Navarro.( See Links Below to DownLoad a Copy )
This letter is a demand that you CONDEMN the action taken by Mitch McConnell to Totally Ignore the Documented Evidence of Election Fraud and urge other US Senators to do likewise. NOW would be a good time BTW.
It is hoped that you will file a WRITTEN OBJECTION to Electoral College Vote Certification and file it well prior to the Jan 3rd – 6th Event and urge other US Senators to do likewise. NOW would be a good time BTW.
It is hoped that you will use your influence on January 6th to SUPPORT a Point Of Order and SUPPORT a Debate objecting to Certifying the Electoral College Vote. It is hoped that you will reference the (36p Peter Navarro’s Election Fraud Report ). NOW would be a good time BTW.
It is expected that you will be in support of VP-Pence when he Declines to Certify the Electoral Fraud Event.
White South African Murders page: Murders of Whites from 1996 to 2016
On this page, are collections of the names and details of Whites who were murdered during the period 1996 to 2016. The true number of Whites killed in South Africa since 1994, is stupendous, and nobody has got even a fraction of all the names. But this is the most comprehensive collection that the Boere State Party has currently. My own attorney told me that he thinks 100,000 Whites have been murdered during Black rule.