From Jan: Update on the Email Disaster Situation – Fixing the Daily Email Alerts


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Alex Linder‘s Pieville - His personal Twitter-like Social Media
Alex Linder was thrown off Gab, and he created his own Gab/Twitter website. It‘s called PieVille. You can follow him there. Jan is also there. Just search for: @AlexLinder or @[email protected] or @historyreviewed

For the last 3 days my new programs have been running nicely. They are sending emails and cleaning out the "junk". It is going at a nice pace.

By the end of the week, I will have cleaned out about 1/3rd of all the problematic emails.

However, I want to try and see if I can get the Daily Email Alerts of History Reviewed and African Crisis running by next Monday. I want to see if I can increase the speed of the email sending a bit more next week.

So things are chugging along and improving slowly. It will be quite a struggle for the next 2-3 weeks.


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S.Africa: Hideous: 5 children murdered for Witchcraft
Blacks in Africa believe in Witchcraft like crazy. Even Black Christians regard Witchcraft as more powerful than the Bible. Murders of Blacks for body parts for Witchcraft goes on in Africa all the time. Here‘s a story from SA.

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