From Jan: A Question for all Women who are Mothers
2 Videos: White Hero Tom Metzger: 2985 and shortly before he passed
I got this from a guy who is a huge fan of Tom. I knew Tom Metzger and did some shows with him. He was a very clever, very awesome White guy.
I would like to ask a question to all White women who’ve had children. I want to know whether, becoming pregnant and having your first child, whether that changes you? I’m not meaning physically, I am meaning MENTALLY. Does having a child change you? If so, in what ways? Do you change when you realise you are pregnant or do you change once you see your baby for the first time? Feel free to make any observations about motherhood and what it does to you. Of course, your situation when you got pregnant might also play a role in how you were affected. Whether you were married or unmarried – these things could also play a role in how you handled the situation. I know a lady, here in my neighborhood, whose from Europe and she decided to have children with different White guys and she never married any of them and she raised her children and they grew up fine. I’m not hassled by moral issues. I know moral issues bother Christians a lot. I’m not hassled by and of that stuff – in wedlock, out of wedlock, etc. Neither were the NAZIS – and that’s another whole story. I have my own story that I will tell you folks somewhere along the line, of something surprising that happened in my family. I do understand that life and love and men and women are a dynamic area. My main question is whether Motherhood changes your views on life. Does it change the way you think or feel about life and people and your part in life? I’m assuming that your baby is for you a huge issue because it is a direct product of yourself. Furthermore, when you’ve had your first child, do you change in other ways as your children grow up and as you have more of them? Sadly in this day and age, very few women will have more than 2 children, whereas it used to be common in the past. My mother had some interesting things to say about big families. But the focus of this question is: HOW DO YOU CHANGE? WHEN DO YOU CHANGE? OR ARE YOU THE SAME PERSON IN MOST WAYS AS YOU WERE BEFORE YOU HAD A CHILD? I’m interested in your mind, your logic and your feelings and how you view life. Feel free to add in any other thoughts that come to mind. You can send me an email or leave a message on my website. Regards, Jan
2004: S.Africa sells nuclear secrets to RED CHINA
Since the blacks came to power, weve had the Russians here, getting our military technology. Now were helping out those peaceful Chinese communists who threatened to nuke LA. This is a special article from the late Adriana Stuijt in the Netherlands.