From Horst Mahler in Germany: German College: proclamation of the uprising of the decent


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[It's always an honor to release something from Europe, especially Germany. In this case, the source is none other than a great German hero who is unknown to many in the English-speaking world: Horst Mahler. Whites everywhere should listen to what the Germans have to say. Every day of our lives we hear all the nonsense and outrageous lies that come out of the mouths of the Jews. But there is SILENCE when white people want to speak, especially white people who want to tell the truth and who want to talk about reality and important things. We are inundated daily with all sorts of worthless noise from Jews and their allies, but we never hear what the GERMANS have to say. What do intelligent fine Europeans to say about history or life? Here in South Africa I am fed up with hearing worthless babble of fools and idiots. I would like to hear what white people have to say, especially white people in Europe. The Jewish media shuns truth and reality. But truth and reality are ultimately the only things that matter now, and they will matter until the end of time. Jan]

Deutsches Kolleg

Proclamation of the uprising of the decent people

On October 15, 2000

I. Uprising of the decent people

• On the occasion of the ignition at the synagogue in Düsseldorf, which
promoted Jewish interests, Chancellor Schröder called for the decent people to revolt.

• The request includes an admission that the popular uprising is stronger than the current

• The fact that a head of government is calling for an uprising is new and remarkable. As a virtual association of notorious revolutionaries, the Deutsches
Kolleg can only support any call to the people
to rise up in revolt.

• The uprising of the decent is currently being
organized by the Palestinians against the agencies of Jewish power. Because these are not only to be found in Palestine, but all over the world
, this uprising against the indecent is a fundamentally worldwide uprising,
but at least one that is taking place in the German states.

• It is up to the German people to support this uprising.
II. The German College demands the ban on the Jewish communities

• Everyone is talking about the NPD ban.

• Not just a tiny splinter group – the German College!

• The Deutsches Kolleg demands the prohibition of all those influenced by the Jewish national spirit

Associations and institutions because they support expulsions and genocide. In
biblical times the victims were the Canaanites, today – in the same place – the

Judaism is a Deadly Danger to the Nations

We hear that the Lord of the Jews is "angered and wroth with all the Gentiles whom he
will give up to be slaughtered, that the stench will rise from their corpses, and the
mountains will flow with their blood" (Isa 34:2-3).

• We no longer ignore the fact that Yahweh, the God of the Jews, promises and commands his chosen
people to murder, subvert and destroy other peoples. (Deuteronomy
7:1-2; 1 Sam 15:3), but we organize the resistance of the peoples against this
campaign of annihilation by Judaism.

• We abhor a cult that focuses on
the chosen people’s successful bargaining with Yahweh: "We will kill the Canaanites for you if you give us
their land in return." Chapter 21 verse 3).
• We have recognized that Judaism is the cradle and presence of racism in its
most terrible form, the rage for extermination (Isa. 34:2 – 3 Ezek 31:18 and 32:18,19; Deuteronomy 7:
1-2; 5 .Moses 12:28-31).

• We know from the holy books of the Jews that their hostility towards the nations
The root of anti-Semitism is and that is why the Persian Great King
Artaxerxes had already ordered the complete extermination of the Jews living in his kingdom in antiquity
(StzuEst 1,2-4).

• We know the meaning of the holy mountain of the Jews, which they call "Mount Sinai": "This
is a mountain on which hatred against the peoples of the world descended". They also call it
"Mount Horeb" "because destruction descended there for the peoples of the world." (The Babylonian
Talmud, Shabbat 89a/89b, selected by Reinhold Mayer, Wilhelm Goldmann Verlag,
Munich 1963, p.215).

• We despise the attitude that forbids the Daughters of Israel from giving midwifery to a Gentile
because it is considered a sin in Judaism to help “a follower of idolatry to give birth”
(loc. cit. p. 217: Mishna Awoda sara II, 1).

• We thank Rabbi Ovadia Yosif, the spiritual leader of the Shah’s party, for finally bringing up
the theological dimension of the persecution of the Jews again, albeit from a completely absurd
point of view. His thesis that the
Jews who died as a result of National Socialist persecution were sinners in a previous life and
had been sent back to the world by Yahweh so that they would
receive just punishment there in the gas chambers (report by the taz of August 7th, 2000) could probably only be shared by a Jewish person
scribes come up with.

The war of the Jewish organizations against the German people continues
• We know that for orthodox Jews the German people are Amalek, a people who
waged war against the Jews in biblical times. This had provoked Yahweh by cowardly attacks on the chosen people
, so that he commanded Samuel: “Strike Amalek and banish
him and all that he has; do not spare them, but kill man and
woman, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.” (1 Sam 15:3)

• With great effort we found out that the two world wars against
the German Reich were broken significant involvement of Jewish bankers and Jewish media
were organized with the intention of destroying the German Reich forever, because at the beginning
of the century it had challenged the British Empire, which was ruled by Jewish bankers, through peaceful trade
and, despite the military defeat in World War I
, stood in the way of the awakened striving for world power on the US east coast . (cf. Hamilton Fish, "The
Broken Myth – FD Roosevelt’s War Policy 1933-45", Grabert Verlag, 2nd edition 1998; Dirk
Bavendamm, "Roosevelt’s War – American Politics and Strategy 1937-1945", Herbig Verlag , 2nd edition

. Edition 1998; Giselher Wirsing, "
The Measureless Continent", Diederichsverlag, Jena 1942).
and are so powerful that the uninitiated dare not doubt them, assuming no
human being capable of wickedness, which cannot be great enough for such fantasies

• We recognize the strategy for wiping out the Goyim peoples in the massive foreign invasion of our people and the other European
peoples. The
racially, ethnically and culturally mixed world population that has emerged in this way is exposed to the Jewish world power, unable to defend

• We thank Martin Walser for making the world – and especially us Germans – aware
of the weapon by naming the Auschwitz club, with which the burgeoning
resistance of the Germans is crushed anew every day.

• We pay tribute to the Jewish scholar Norman Finkelstein for showing the world the
fraud and blackmail that Jewish organizations
are using to extract billions and billions from the German people using the Auschwitz mace

• We commemorate the unknown authors of the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" who made clairvoyant
reflections on the ways and means of establishing Jewish world domination
, which should serve as a warning to us.

• We think: "The International Jew", Henry Ford’s pamphlet against the world domination of
Jewish banking capital, is required reading for every German.

• We were amazed to learn from Cornel Faltin’s report in the Hamburger Abendblatt of August 29 , 2000
that George Washington, the father of the United States of America, described the Jews
as the "plague" and wrote: "The Jews work more effectively against us than any enemy
army. They are a hundred times more dangerous to our freedom". According to the same source,
Benjamin Franklin agreed, saying: "We must
protect our young nation from the Jews, they are the greatest danger." The fact that the USA is now
completely dominated by Jewish circles shows that this warning
was futile but justified.

• We are impressed by the initiative of the President of Israel, Moshe Katzav, who
has denied members of the Jewish nation the right to remain with their
host peoples and who calls on Jews outside Israel
to move their residences to Israel (report in Junge Freedom 38/00 of 09/15/00).
III. The German College is aware that certain Jewish circles demonize
the visualization of the Torah and the Babylonian Talmud
in the peoples as anti-Semitism.

• We counter that the personality shaped by the Torah and Talmud
provokes a defensive attitude towards Jews in the peoples.

• We reject the interpretation of the persecution of the Jews, which deliberately contradicts the Torah, in the
conviction that those Jews who turn it against the German people themselves do not
believe in its correctness

. • We read in the Old Testament 3.Moses 26:

14 Will you but do not obey me and do not do all these commandments,

15 and if you despise my statutes and
reject my statutes, so that you do not do all my commandments, and if you
break my covenant,

16 I will also do this to you: …. ..

17 … I will set my face against you, and you shall be defeated
before your enemies, and those who hate you shall rule over you
rule, and you shall flee without anyone chasing you.
22 And I will send wild beasts among you, which shall
devour your children, and tear up your cattle, and deprive you, and your roads
shall be deserted.

25 and I want to bring a sword of vengeance upon you to
avenge my covenant. Even if you flee to your cities, I
will send the plague among you, and I will
deliver you into the hands of your enemies.
27 But even then you will not obey me and act against me

28 I will also act against you in anger and will
punish you sevenfold more for your sins,

29 that ye shall eat the flesh of your sons and daughters.

30 And I will destroy your sacrificial high places and
cut off your incense pillars, and I will throw your carcasses on the carcasses of your idols
, and I will disgust you.

31 I will make your cities waste, and I will desecrate your sanctuaries,
and I will smell the sweet odor of your sacrifices no more

32 I will make the land waste, and your enemies who
live in it will be amazed.

33 But I will scatter you among the peoples, and will follow you with drawn
sword; your land shall be desolate, and your
cities shall be destroyed.
36 And those who are left of you I will make a cowardly heart
in their enemy’s land, that they may chase a rustling leaf,
and they shall flee from it as if a sword chased them, and fall when
no one chases them.

37 And one shall fall upon the other as if the sword were behind
them, when no one hunts them, and ye shall not stand
against your enemies.

38 And you shall perish among the nations, and the land of your enemies
shall devour you.

39 But those who are left of you shall perish in the enemy’s land
because of their iniquity, but also because of the iniquity of their

• We call on believing Jews to either accept their fate as fulfillment of the
curse of Moses and stop fighting our people immediately, or to join
us in recognizing Yahweh and his works as a
figure of God to be overcome in the spirit of German idealistic philosophy.

IV. The Deutsches Kolleg honors the merits of the Jews and
overcomes historical anti-Semitism

With Hegel’s thinking, we are under the pressure of knowledge that emanates from the darkening of the image
of the Germans – and therefore only now – the history of the West starting from
years 312 AD , the year of the acceptance of the Judeo-Christian faith by Caesar Constantine
in the Battle of the Milvian Bridge, up to the present:
This story is the fight of the decomposing Jewish spirit against the moral spirit
of the Germans.

In modernity, the Jewish spirit has triumphed to death. The sign of his death is the
worldwide hatred of the Jews. Its two-thousand-year-old trunk has gained another growth ring
. This reflects the resentment of the people subjugated by Mammon,
who do not know how to shake off this yoke.

In order to finally bury Judaism, the spirit of the Germans rises like a phoenix from the ashes
in the form of German idealistic philosophy, in the light of which hatred appears as
fatal attack of insanity.

The essence of Judaism is the – initially abstract – elaboration of God as spirit ("You shall not
make an image of me!"), the opposition of spirit and nature in the sense of a separation of both
moments of the absolute. Man, although a spiritual being, finds himself on the side of
discriminated nature. As such, the peoples – with the exception of the chosen people – are animals that
Yahweh gave up for slaughter, that is, for use for the chosen ones unto death and in death

Historical conservatism, like historical National Socialism, is in disarray
of the community of God and man, the fall of the peoples into the atomized bourgeois
society, can only be understood negatively as decay (decadence). The hatred of everything Jewish – including
people with a Jewish stamp – was the necessary consequence of this abstraction, which runs like a red
thread through the two-thousand-year history of the West.

It is a spiritual war on two fronts that we have to wage:
Turned against Judaism, it is the negative business of criticizing the Jewish principle – the
separation of God and man. On the basis of the Torah, the two-thousand-year plague
of the genocidal delusion of being chosen should be named again (cf. the "Open Letter to
Daniel Goldhagen" in ). It must be
made clear that the "scientific world view" and atheism are only the negative of Judaism:
Only those like the Jews, who think of God as the Exalted One who lives his life in absolute separation from

man, can get the idea that the existence of man cannot be denied, but the
existence of God can be denied, and only if the existence of God is denied the attempt is
conceivable to think of man alone from his own point of view (humanism) and to explain the world without considering
God (scientific world view).

the biologistic racism of historical National Socialism, which
reduced man to his animal moment, man is to be understood as a finite spirit.

Conservatism and historical National Socialism have destroyed man’s spirituality in their own way
by not recognizing the spirit as infinite, and therefore not as immortal.
The fact that freedom is the essence of the spirit remained a mystery to them. A lack of insight gave rise
to that pessimism which saw the freedom of the individual as the root of evil. With a radical gesture
, they tore out this root – and thus destroyed themselves.

The Kulturkampf that has now begun completes the elaboration of the idea of the freedom of the individual,
which could not come to reality without the work of destruction accomplished by Judaism in the Germanic kingdom
The original national community of the Germanic peoples, solid in childlike trust in their gods
, was not yet the true form of freedom, but only freedom itself. This must
first become for itself in order to be freedom in and for itself. For itself, however, freedom is only as
freedom of the person, as personal freedom of individuals.

It was the task of Judaism – also in its Christianized form –
to bring about the individuation of the Germanic people as a break away from God.

After that is accomplished, the individuals now experience themselves as isolated individuals, as social atoms,
in an emotional desert of ice in which they perish if they do not rediscover God as their essence
and thus realize community in God as a free national community. Only the self-confident and self-willed reconnection (religio) of the individual in the national spirit of the Germans as a figure of God, resulting

from the complete decomposition of the Germanic national community , expressed in the German idealistic philosophy, is the true existence of freedom. It is still a task ahead of us. In solving this task, every German who grasps this thought is a helper of God. Only when the positive moment of disintegration: the individuation of human beings becomes more necessary

The transition point to the true freedom of the person who is drifting in the Germanic spirit is recognized, the
German-Jewish fate – in the Hegelian sense – will be lifted: ended, preserved and elevated.
The reality of the Jewish spirit is the individuation of human beings, so that ultimately, as
isolated individuals, they are alienated from themselves and doomed to perish. This death march is a
necessary development step on the way to a self-confident community of people in God.
The existence of this consciousness is the national community, whose comrades have passed through despair
. These are only free as individuals, then also as persons, when they are free
grasp themselves as individuals who are self-conscious parts of the whole and as such are themselves the

In this realization the Jews are also recognized as God’s helpers and
of equal value for the progress of the spirit in the consciousness of freedom. In this insight, racism and
anti-Semitism have been overcome.

Hitherto the decomposition has weighed like a curse on the Jews. This curse is
now being lifted from them by German idealistic philosophy.

V. The Kulturkampf against Judaism is the
central event that gives the world a new shape.
woe! Mordecai has grown cocky and dazzled by his victory. He
ignores the signs of the times.

An outward sign of the subjugation of the peoples is the
ban imposed by Jewish organizations almost worldwide on the
distribution of the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" that appeared in 1896. Of these, Henry Ford wrote in 1920: "This work is too dreadful a reality to
be invention, too well established to be mere thought, too deep in its knowledge
of the secret springs of life to be based on deceit . …. Of interest to us
other states is not that a ‘criminal or lunatic’ wrote such a program,
but that, after it was written, it found ways and means in its most important ones
to realize details. The document itself is relatively unimportant; the whole
state of affairs and the circumstances to which it draws attention are of the utmost
importance.” (“The International Jew”, p. 84 f.)

This prohibition is essentially nothing more than an attempt to
prevent any discussion of the question whether the domination of the world by Judaism is a reality and whether this success
is based on the work of a secret government of the chosen people, the "Sanhedrin"
. It is known that he met in Paris on February 9, 1807, in order
to satisfy Napoleon’s request for answers to certain questions concerning the Jews (Ford, op. cit., p.

With the hypocritical assertion that literature dealing critically with Judaism is the
source of anti-Semitism, the investigation of the real causes of the
persecution of the Jews is criminalized. The thought complex that revolves

around the question of the existence and nature of the Jewish world government is withdrawn from intellectual perception by the world picture agencies using the poisoned word "conspiracy theory". But it is vital for the peoples and the Jews to consider this question with the utmost care. The Jew Karl Marx aptly described the task before us by stating:

“The emancipation of the Jews in its ultimate meaning is the emancipation of humanity from
Judaism. [MEW Vol. 1, p. 372-373)]. However, he merely presented the objective side of Jewish power,
the power of money, in his main work "Das Kapital". Their subjective element
is the Yahweh cult, the political form of which has found a hitherto unsurpassed
description in the "Protocols".

The intellectual bridge that connects the critique of objective Judaism, the world of haggling, with the
critique of subjective Judaism, the cult of Yahweh, is Marx’s writing on the
Jewish question [MEW Vol. 1, p. 347 ff.].

If the Jewish question is not recognized as a moving unity of these moments, if the
If the current state of the world, globalism, is not understood as the objective existence of the Jewish question
, then attempts to solve this problem by the annihilation of the Jews can
not be prevented in the future. Then the peoples will horribly read the Holocaust religion
as a manual for a policy of liberation from secular Judaism. The
Torah will then no longer act as an impulse for the spiritual overcoming of Judaism, but
will be misused as justification for the extermination of the chosen ones.

The practical side of the critique of Judaism is the national and social
revolution of the Germans.
The power grew
in prehistoric times:
from the blood, ie from the cohesion of the clan association and the
in the Middle Ages:
from feudal property, ie from recognized ownership of settled land;
in modern times:
from possession of money capital.
The power based on possession of money -capital
is invisible,
only it is accessible to Jews who are scattered;
only it tends to be infinite;
it turns the striving for enrichment into greed.

Money is the common commodity that reduces everything to the point of sale and thereby
decomposes morality, turns sacred goods and finally human beings themselves and their organs into commodities.

Power existing as infinite greed and shameless disintegration turns into powerlessness and

The self-confident spirit is now rising out of the general decay as the power of the
self-confidence of the peoples – first of the German people, who were
robbed of their natural self-confidence by the Holocaust religion. This people can now rise again only in the ether of the
self-conscious spirit, in the idealistic philosophy.
In the German people as a free self-awareness, the unity of God and man appears in the
self-aware national community. This is the existent negation of the Jewish principle
and the haggler as his worldly form.

The self-aware finite spirit is the man who has recognized that as a commodity he cannot be free
. In this awareness, the power of money disappears in the freedom of the
people who work cooperatively to satisfy their concrete needs
and no longer sell themselves to the abstract need for enrichment.
The first practical steps towards liberation from Judaism are the peaceful uprising of decent people with the aim of convening a German National Assembly, which will restore the German Reich’s ability to act
by appointing
a provisional Reich government and enacting a new Reich order.

The German College recommends that the Provisional Reich Government implement the
following hundred-day program:

The emergency government will take powerful measures in the first 100 days and render
the following public services to the German people:
A) Eliminate unemployment!
B) End the housing shortage and homelessness!
C) Eliminate the traffic chaos!
D) Win the drug war!
E) Smash Organized Crime!
F) Restore law and state and sovereignty!
G) Save nature and the environment of the German people!
H) Rebuild Central Germany according to plan! ,
I) Renew the social and health care system from the ground up!
J) Stop the German cultural catastrophe!

The national emergency government will achieve these ten goals with emergency decrees and


  1. Ending the employment of foreigners.

  2. Exclusion of foreign workers from unemployment insurance.

  3. Obligation to report all jobs held by foreigners to the
    employment office as vacancies, which must be given to ethnic German applicants who
    the employment office considers suitable.

  4. Ban on hiring foreign and non-national workers on the
    German labor market, including those jobs that are
    owned by foreigners.

  5. Employment ban for foreign and non-national workers on the
    German labor market one year after the enactment of the hiring ban.

  6. Ban on foreign contract work in Germany.

  7. Right to employment in the state employment service for
    those on social assistance who are able to work and for the permanently unemployed who have been unemployed for more than six months

  8. Prohibition of business management against entrepreneurs who have employed undeclared
    workers or foreign workers; in the case of recurrence,
    confiscation of the wrongly filled workplace and, in the second
    case of recurrence, confiscation of the company by the state
    employment service.

1. High fines and labor penalties for illegal residence in termination of all
social housing occupied by foreigners.
2. Expulsion of all foreigners who have become unemployed.
3. Expulsion of all foreigners who have become a criminal or social case.
4. Obligation of all landlords, reinforced by sanctions,
to rent large, family-friendly apartments to German families with many children.

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