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Video: The Gods of War: Introduction Why do Humans fight?
Do you believe in peace forever? This video will shock you. In my younger days I was very spiritual. Now I am the opposite and I will explain why.

[This is from one of my supporters in France who was writing comparing France to South Africa. Jan]

The French supporter wrote:
Thank you, anyway. In France, we don’t have so much crime (yet) but the country is in turmoil. The syndicate CGT (communists, hard left) is still on strike, demanding "better salary" to TOTAL. Carburant is scarce or non-existent in a lot of petrol stations (around Paris notably) and people have to queue – or travel long distances – to get petrol and go to work…Such a mess…

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Video: Video: How to fight the Jews legally
This is a video I did in 2018, about a White English South African named Snowy Smith. It‘s a fascinating story of a businessman who was destroyed by Jews and who in his poverty struggled to learn how to fight back in court.

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