From an American who supports the Boers/White South Africans…


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[This is part of a message an American sent me. He's one of the few who know the Jews are raping South Africa. Jan]

The American wrote:
… snip …

I’ll tell you something I’ve been monitoring south africa from years ago about the fcked up jews there and what these kikes have been doing to the Boers there. There’s Americans not in tune with the south african situation and the Kikes fucking over the good south african boers. Its the same story where ever these evil kikes roam. The jews control the news media television Hollywood the porn industry and its s part of their Zionist Frankfurt School Plan and their Zionist Kalergi plan to subvert western civilization to give communism to us and freedom and Liberty for Jews Fck them its not gonna happen, Later … snip …

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White Shop: Rhodesia is Super T-Shirt
In the 1970s Rhodesia came up with this logo with this cute little elephant. There were LOTS of elephants in Rhodesia and the Whites were proud of that. The classic elephant and flag logo used by the Rhodesian Tourism authority in the 1970s and 1980s to promote tourism to that country.

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