Finally: A HistoryReviewed Bitchute channel!!!
Video: JEWS105: Jews are too sly & sneaky for Whites
I am struggling to find a way to tell my fellow whites how utterly sly and sneaky the Jews really are and how often they fool us. They fool us far more than you realise.
Finally, I have a working Bitchute channel. It is wasn’t for a very helpful NS friend in Europe, I would never have figured out the tricky issues that relate to working with Bitchute. I am so delighted!
So I will be releasing copies of my videos on to Bitchute from now on.
But the main home of all my videos will always be my and websites. ALL my videos will be there too.
But its nice to be on a WHITE SOCIAL MEDIA where I can also have new people finding my content.
Bitchute is the best thing since Youtube, and I hope that enormous things happen there. I think Bitchute is the biggest social media yet created by whites. Gab is the 2nd biggest.
Here is the URL for my Bitchute Channel. It is called on Bitchute:
Video & Audio: Gods of War: Confederates: Mind Games when White men are outnumbered
Today we look at deception and mind games in war. Our topic is the American Civil War, especially the Confederates who were outnumbered and outgunned. Unlike the Union, the Confederates lacked many things. But despite these serious disadvantages, the Confederates were amazingly creative, daring and brave.