F*ck Youtube – 2 Adverts per video now… SCREW THEM!!!


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Video & Audio: Whites: Strategy Versus Tactics
This is a very important video. When you understand this, you‘ll grasp how Whites survive even when they don‘t have a plan! And why we always stand a chance against racial enemies.

Have you noticed that Youtube now has TWO adverts playing at the start of videos?

I’ve not checked if it happens on all videos, but I’ve seen it a lot now.

Then I think … youtube must be hurting… the mother f*ckers… they drove large numbers of whites off… they will yet pay the price.

So it delights me to see them having to put up 2 ads per video… excellent … sink you dogs who crawled on your hands and knees for the bloody Jews!

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Jews can have Christian & Muslim women as Sex Slaves says British Rabbi
The Rabbi who said this is the chief Rabbi of the UK and Commonwealth. This British Rabbi is actually a Jew from South Africa.

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