FANTASTIC: Trump Publicly Responds to Interview Request from Third Rate Mainstream Media Outlet: Absolutely No Credibility’


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ONLY IN AFRICA: 400 SEX TAPES: Government official is arrested after more than 400 sex tapes leak
As you can see, not much work gets done in Africa at a high level. I‘ll bet you these aren‘t the only women he slept with either. These were just the important ones.

[Trump is kicking some of the Liberal Mass Media in the teeth – this is brilliant. This is very important. Jan]

In 2020, the Atlantic magazine issued a scorched-earth piece on President Donald Trump. On Monday, Trump returned the favor.

With two months to go before the 2020 presidential election, the Atlantic wrote that Trump called American soldiers who died for their country “losers” and “suckers” in rejecting to visit a military cemetery where Americans who died in World War I are buried.

Trump has vehemently denied making the comments.

On Monday, Trump went public with a response to the magazine’s request for an interview with the president it tried to smear.

“Third Rate Magazine, ‘The Atlantic,’ that made up the ‘Suckers and Losers’ Hoax about me and the Military, and refused to even acknowledge the vast horde of people who emphatically denied this FAKE STORY, has asked me to do an interview,” Trump wrote on Truth Social.

Trump then added his reply, suggesting when an accurate and truthful reporter might be found, he might reconsider.

“Ashley Parker is not capable of doing a fair and unbiased interview. She is a Radical Left Lunatic, and has been as terrible as is possible for as long as I have known her. To this date, she doesn’t even know that I won the Presidency THREE times,” Trump wrote.

“If you have some other reporter, let us know, but Ashley is not capable or competent enough to understand the intricacies of High Level politics,” he wrote.

“Likewise, Michael Scherer has never written a fair story about me, only negative, and virtually always LIES,” he added.

Trump said the liberal magazine has passed its prime.

“The Atlantic is doing terribly, losing a fortune, and will hopefully fold up and be gone in the not too distant future. It has absolutely no credibility, and would be far better off, in terms of ‘journalism,’ to cease publication. Nevertheless, when you have a writer with intelligence, competence, and fairness, please let me know!” Trump wrote.

Parker, who formerly wrote for The Washington Post, said in a September analysis that Trump’s comments painted a “distorted, warped and, at times, absurdist portrait” of America and said he was a liar in his comments.

She alleged Trump lied about gang violence in Aurora, Colorado, weeks before multiple members of a Venezuelan gang were arrested in connection with a kidnapping, as noted by Newsweek.

Trump has pushed back against media slights, as illustrated by a recent interaction with an NBC reporter that was noted by Fox News.

During a media availability at the Kennedy Center, a reporter who asked Trump a question tried to add a second one.

“Who are you with?” Trump asked.

“Sir, I’m with NBC,” the reporter said.

“I don’t want to talk to NBC anymore. I think you’re so discredited,” Trump said.


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