EXCELLENT! WHITE EUROPEAN REBELLION: France, Italy Swept By Mass Protests Against COVID Health Pass


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16 Pics: A Jewish Communist assassin stabbed S.African Prime Minister Dr Hendrik Verwoerd to DEATH!
Dr Hendrick Verwoerd was the Prime Minister of South Africa. He was *HATED* by the Jews and is regarded as the main creator of Apartheid. Apartheid was White Racialism whereby all Whites (Afrikaans and English) ruled SA together. Verwoerd was unquestionably the Greatest White leader in the history of SA. Jews had him killed.

[Whites are sick of this shit. Stupid-19 has universally made our race utterly rebellious. It's fantastic. We're not interested in dumb shit. We're much tougher than that. Jan]

France saw its largest protests yet against the country’s health pass, as thousands swept across major Italian town demanding an end to the infamous green pass.

On Saturday, Protesters took to the streets in France and Italy in opposition to COVID rules that they say infringe on their civil liberties but which officials argue are needed to curb the coronavirus pandemic. The protests come as European countries double down on efforts to get wide portions of their populations vaccinated.

Demonstrations against France’s health pass and mandatory vaccines for health care workers entered their fourth weekend, with Saturday seeing the largest rally yet, Deutsche Welle reported. An estimated 237,000 people turned out nationwide, according to the Interior Ministry. The figure exceeds the attendance a week ago, which saw 204,000 protesters.

La rivoluzione francese. Parigi, impressionante marea umana contro l’obbligo del passaporto sanitario. https://t.co/kJWQdnGGHv pic.twitter.com/opIiPXzGwr

— RadioSavana (@RadioSavana) August 7, 2021

While 17,000 people turned out in Paris, much of the focus was in southern France — where between 10,000 and 20,000 people marched in Nice alone. In contrast to prior weekends, the demonstrations were largely peaceful. The more major scuffles broke out between protesters and police in Lyon, France’s third-largest city.

The city of Bayonne and other areas of southern France saw larger numbers of protesters.

The protests come on the heels of a Constructional Council ruling on Thursday. The court approved the government’s plan for the health pass and vaccine requirements for workers in hospitals in nursing homes. France is currently in the grips of a fourth wave of coronavirus infections. The county has seen a boost in vaccinations since French President Emmanuel Macron announced the health pass in July. Some two-thirds of the French population eligible for the jab have received one dose, while 55% are fully vaccinated.

Meanwhile, protests also took place in several Italian cities over the weekend against against the implementation of the country’s Green Pass, which is now required for teachers and for people to attend indoor events.

One of the posters at the ‘No Vax’ movement demonstration in central Rome on August 7th, 2021. Photo AFP

Thousands gathered in Piazza del Popolo in central Rome shouting “No Green Pass!” and “Freedom!”.

Members of the ‘No Vax’ movement take part in a demonstration against the introduction of a mandatory green pass at the Piazza del Popolo in central Rome on August 7th, 2021. Photo AFP

Roma, grande manifestazione contro l’obbligo del passaporto sanitario. Avanti così, senza tregua. https://t.co/kJWQdnGGHv pic.twitter.com/UHy3kIptjW

— RadioSavana (@RadioSavana) August 7, 2021

Piazze stracolme. Media di regime ignorano. L’Italia s’è desta. https://t.co/kJWQdnGGHv pic.twitter.com/2gdO1qJCSQ

— RadioSavana (@RadioSavana) August 8, 2021

Thousands more marched in Milan, with some comparing themselves to holocaust victims by wearing Star of David badges with the words “not vaccinated”, news agency ANSA reported.

Milano, grande manifestazione contro l’obbligo del passaporto sanitario. Avanti così, senza tregua. https://t.co/kJWQdnGGHv pic.twitter.com/hn2yx8f8Nb

— RadioSavana (@RadioSavana) August 7, 2021

In Turin, angry citizens marched in front of the editorial offices of Italy’s biggest dailies “La Repubblica” and “La Stampa” shouting “You are shit! Sold out!”

Torino, cittadini incazzati davanti alle redazioni di "La Repubblica" e "La Stampa": "Siete delle merde! Venduti!" Giornalisti di regime. https://t.co/kJWQdnGGHv pic.twitter.com/kkOVkgBybh

— RadioSavana (@RadioSavana) August 8, 2021

Major protests also broke out in Florence…

Firenze, grande manifestazione contro l’obbligo del passaporto sanitario. Avanti così, senza tregua. https://t.co/kJWQdnGGHv pic.twitter.com/X2vbGaRQ2d

— RadioSavana (@RadioSavana) August 7, 2021

… and Padua

Padova, grande manifestazione contro l’obbligo del passaporto sanitario. Avanti così, senza tregua. https://t.co/kJWQdnGGHv pic.twitter.com/DiMDGoejZP

— RadioSavana (@RadioSavana) August 7, 2021

Protesters from the “No Vax” movement also gathered in Naples, objecting in particular to vaccinations for children, shouting “Hands off the children” and “Shame! Shame!”.

The health pass in France and the Green Pass in Italy are both digital certificates that provide proof of a person’s coronavirus status. They contain data on whether the person is vaccinated against COVID-19, has recently tested negative, or has recovered from the virus.

The pass is already required in France for those who want to go to the movie theater or attend other major events. Starting on Monday, it will also be required for those who want to visit bars and restaurants, or for those traveling on long-distance trains or on airplanes.

In Italy, the Green Pass became compulsory in Italy on Friday and is required to enter museums, sports venues, cinemas and for indoor dining. School teachers, university staff and university students are also required to show the pass.

Read the full article at ZeroHedge News.

Fully-vaccinated protesters in Italy are burning their vaccine passes in a powerful display of solidarity against the tying of civil liberties to vaccination status.

Source: https://vaccineimpact.com/2021/france-italy-swept-by-mass-protests-against-covid-health-pass/

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