EXCELLENT: When my video servers are overloaded…


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Zimbabwe: Cops hunting for a Black man who had sex with his neighbours Donkey!
If you think we whites have problems, you have no idea what the blacks get up to. Some years ago I came across stories of blacks in Soweto, South Africa having sex with dogs. In this story, Police in Zimbabwe are looking for a Gutu man who was caught having sex with his neighbour‘s donkey.

I’m very happy when I get warnings from my servers that indicate people are watching or downloading too many videos!!

Here’s an example of one I got recently:

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Alerts
Date: Fri, Aug 10, 2018 at 10:12 AM
Subject: Alert – outbound traffic rate

Your xxxx03, has exceeded the notification threshold (10) for outbound traffic rate by averaging 10.19 Mb/s for the last 2 hours. The dashboard for this specific is located at:

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You will remember that in April 2024, before I climbed on a plane to fly to the USA and Canada, that the US Government suddenly cancelled my VISA and I was prevented from climbing on a plane.

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