EXCELLENT: USA: Jews freak out over White Power sign at Army-Navy game – My comments


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Black lies from 2006: Zimbabwe: Only 200 White Farmers paid of 4,000 Rest paid in 2010? Oh Yeah?
I posted this in 2006. The Blacks had stolen 4,000 farms out of the 5,000 that were there. They lied about paying the White Farmers. You can read my skepticism and the news from 2006.

[This delights me. It seems probable that there are pro-white whites in the military. I think this is EXCELLENT. They will of course be rooted out and disciplined and probably suffer damage to their careers. Ultimately, anyone who is pro-white will not be allowed in the upper levels. Even so, I think its all good. I think that the Jews, Liberals and other assorted scum will drive such people out of the Police, Military, etc. But remember, these same people will them be among us. Their military skills will come in handy in the future when we whites fight for our freedoms and when we fight to take back the Western World. 

Remember too: Lots of Generals, Admirals and senior officers were purged by Obama and others. In the end, these people were probably true American patriots. Now they are among us. Leave the scum to take the powerful institutions. In time to come whites will TEAR DOWN that which has been turned against us all. 
It is EXCELLENT to know that there are WHITE RACIAL PATRIOTS IN THE MILITARY. I hope they learn all the skills they can … for the real war to come … the war for white racial freedom. Jan]

The United States Naval Academy and United States Military Academy are investigating whether a hand gesture flashed by a midshipman and several cadets during a TV broadcast Saturday was meant to be a sign for “white power.” The incident occurred during ESPN’s telecast of “College GameDay,” the sports network’s pregame show for college football, before the annual Army-Navy football game.

While ESPN reporter Rece Davis was doing a live segment from the sidelines, several Army cadets and a Navy midshipman were seen flashing the “OK” hand gesture in the background. The symbol has been co-opted by white supremacists recently and is sometimes used to convey the sentiment “white power,” due to the fingers forming the general shape of the letters “w” and “p,” according to an explanation by the Anti-Defamation League. The use of the gesture as a racist message originally started as a hoax, but has since been adopted in earnest by actual white supremacists and members of the so-called “alt-right.”

“U.S. Naval Academy officials have appointed a preliminary inquiry officer to conduct an internal investigation into the hand gestures made during the ESPN ‘College GameDay’ broadcast prior to [Saturday's] Army-Navy game,” Naval Academy spokesperson Commander Alana F. Garas said in a statement to CBS News.

A screenshot of a U.S. Military Academy cadet flashing the gesture behind ESPN reporter Rece Davis before the Army-Navy game in Philadelphia on December 14, 2019.

“Based on findings of the investigation, those involved will be held appropriately accountable. It would be inappropriate to speculate any further while we are conducting this investigation,” Garas added.

The United States Military Academy has also launched an investigation into “a few Cadets,” who were also seen making the gesture during Davis’ report, “to determine if administrative actions will be required.”

“The United States Military Academy is fully committed to developing leaders of character who embody the Army Values. I have appointed an Investigating Officer according to Army Regulation 15-6, to conduct an administrative investigation into the facts, circumstances, and intent of the Cadets in question,” Lieutenant General Darryl Williams, superintendent of the U.S. Military Academy, said in a statement.

While the gesture can be used to signal a racist message, it also has more benign interpretations. Aside for meaning “OK,” the gesture is also sometimes used as a part of the “circle game” where the hand sign is made below someone’s waist and — if another person looks at it — the person making the symbol gets to punch whoever looks.

A Cubs fan in May was permanently banned from Wrigley Field following a similar incident. A fan flashed the gesture behind Doug Glanville, who was reporting from a spot in the stands.

“Such ignorant and repulsive behavior is not tolerated at Wrigley Field,” Cubs president of business operations Crane Kenney said, following the incident.

“The person responsible for that gesture will never be welcomed back at Wrigley Field,” Cubs president Theo Epstein said at the time. “I think it’s important to have a strong response to send a message that this is a place of inclusion.”

Source: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/military-academies-investigating-cadets-use-of-possible-white-power-gesture-army-navy-game-2019-12-15/

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Video: Afrikaner Resistance Movement: Speech by AWB Leader Steyn von Ronge
On 2017-11-11 I attended a public gathering held by the AWB on a farm 30Km from Coligny. At the gathering were other right wing groups allied to the AWB.

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