EXCELLENT: USA: Finally the Wealthy get their comeuppance: Latest Diversity Scheme Pulls Poor into Affluent Suburbs
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[This is brilliant. Freaking excellent. Now the affluent will start seeing that it comes to their doorstep. Eventually the insane Jewish thinking may bring a rapist to their own daughter. Sadly, this is necessary. This pain and suffering will clear their heads. This is needed i'm afraid in order to bring sanity to America. Jan]
Barrack Obama started it, and Donald Trump halted it. “Dementia Joe” Biden pledged to bring it back on steroids. The bomb is planned with 8%+ of housing loans in forbearance, 32% of rental residents either making late or no payments
Biden would vastly expand Section 8 housing vouchers. According to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, there are more than 17 million American households that qualify for the rental assistance program but don’t receive help simply because Congress doesn’t allocate enough money to it.
This resettlement scheme would make Joseph Stalin proud. His idea is to stimulate “diversity” by forcing suburbs to be less white and less wealthy though hefty funding increases in Section 8 housing vouchers for middle-class neighborhoods. This leveling scheme is designed to wreck functioning communities. This taxpayer theft program, coupled with the Department of Justice’s new mandatory diversity and bias training program for law enforcement allows criminal elements at all levels to run amok.
As a harbinger of what’s in store, and in addition to vouchers being expanded to subsidize urban poor in higher-rent areas, the Section 8ers will be assigned their own government real estate agent, called a “mobility counselor,” to help them secure housing in the burbs. Suburban landlords will be sued for discrimination, if they refuse unemployable Section 8 tenants.
In the past, landlords could institute a income requirement, typically three times rent. If the rent is $1,000 per month, then $3,000 in verifiable income is required. Other than for the cheapest properties, this is more than unemployed Section 8 tenants and SSI disability incomes receive.
After Biden moves in tenants who lack the means to pay the rent, he creates a Homeowner Bill of Rights (aka a tyrannical device) to prevent tenants from eviction by providing them legal assistance. This effectively makes behavioral enforcement problematic as well. If behavioral enforcement is nixed, then slumlords fill the gap. Accordingly, the Section 8ers bring their culture to the suburbs, resulting in a downward spiral of civility, peace and quiet.
Certainly, many low-income people can follow rules and live civilized lives. But typically, there are basic standards being applied like curfews to get youth off the streets at night. But that’s not the social direction of this population — in fact, quite the opposite. And without basic standards, the targeted towns and cities will fail fast. The same is true of dealing with homeless populations.
The documentary “Seattle is Dying” shows the salami attack of preaching hyper “tolerance and compassion.” Comply or be called a “Nazi.” This is the tactic used by the subvert-and-destroy Red Vanguard Alinskyites responsible for Seattle’s decent into hell.
A similar program tested a few years ago in Dallas has been blamed for shifting violent crime to more-affluent and quiet neighborhoods.
Dubuque, Iowa, already received an influx of voucher holders coming from the projects of Chicago — and it has had a problem with crime ever since. A 2010 study linked Dubuque’s crime wave directly to Section 8 housing.
Of course, even when reality mugs this social-engineering and societal sabotage, the government just doubles down. The problem, it rationalizes, was that the relocation wasn’t aggressive enough. So conclusions are made that desired results can be acheived by placing even more urban poor in even more affluent areas.
Biden’s most basic tenet is getting rid of zoning regulations on the supply of housing. Simply put, this signals the death spiral of the single family house, and a move toward higher density.
arrack Obama started it, and Donald Trump halted it. “Dementia Joe” Biden pledged to bring it back on steroids. The bomb is planned with 8%+ of housing loans in forbearance, 32% of rental residents either making late or no payments
Biden would vastly expand Section 8 housing vouchers. According to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, there are more than 17 million American households that qualify for the rental assistance program but don’t receive help simply because Congress doesn’t allocate enough money to it.
This resettlement scheme would make Joseph Stalin proud. His idea is to stimulate “diversity” by forcing suburbs to be less white and less wealthy though hefty funding increases in Section 8 housing vouchers for middle-class neighborhoods. This leveling scheme is designed to wreck functioning communities. This taxpayer theft program, coupled with the Department of Justice’s new mandatory diversity and bias training program for law enforcement allows criminal elements at all levels to run amok.
As a harbinger of what’s in store, and in addition to vouchers being expanded to subsidize urban poor in higher-rent areas, the Section 8ers will be assigned their own government real estate agent, called a “mobility counselor,” to help them secure housing in the burbs. Suburban landlords will be sued for discrimination, if they refuse unemployable Section 8 tenants.
In the past, landlords could institute a income requirement, typically three times rent. If the rent is $1,000 per month, then $3,000 in verifiable income is required. Other than for the cheapest properties, this is more than unemployed Section 8 tenants and SSI disability incomes receive.
After Biden moves in tenants who lack the means to pay the rent, he creates a Homeowner Bill of Rights (aka a tyrannical device) to prevent tenants from eviction by providing them legal assistance. This effectively makes behavioral enforcement problematic as well. If behavioral enforcement is nixed, then slumlords fill the gap. Accordingly, the Section 8ers bring their culture to the suburbs, resulting in a downward spiral of civility, peace and quiet.
Certainly, many low-income people can follow rules and live civilized lives. But typically, there are basic standards being applied like curfews to get youth off the streets at night. But that’s not the social direction of this population — in fact, quite the opposite. And without basic standards, the targeted towns and cities will fail fast. The same is true of dealing with homeless populations.
The documentary “Seattle is Dying” shows the salami attack of preaching hyper “tolerance and compassion.” Comply or be called a “Nazi.” This is the tactic used by the subvert-and-destroy Red Vanguard Alinskyites responsible for Seattle’s decent into hell.
- A similar program tested a few years ago in Dallas has been blamed for shifting violent crime to more-affluent and quiet neighborhoods.
Dubuque, Iowa, already received an influx of voucher holders coming from the projects of Chicago — and it has had a problem with crime ever since. A 2010 study linked Dubuque’s crime wave directly to Section 8 housing.
Of course, even when reality mugs this social-engineering and societal sabotage, the government just doubles down. The problem, it rationalizes, was that the relocation wasn’t aggressive enough. So conclusions are made that desired results can be acheived by placing even more urban poor in even more affluent areas.
Biden’s most basic tenet is getting rid of zoning regulations on the supply of housing. Simply put, this signals the death spiral of the single family house, and a move toward higher density.
Source: https://truthtopowernews.com/latest-diversity-scheme-pulls-poor-affluent-suburbs-n3959
S.Africa: Hideous: 5 children murdered for Witchcraft
Blacks in Africa believe in Witchcraft like crazy. Even Black Christians regard Witchcraft as more powerful than the Bible. Murders of Blacks for body parts for Witchcraft goes on in Africa all the time. Here‘s a story from SA.