EXCELLENT: NUKES FOR GERMANY!!! – Macron wants ‘European army’ to share UN Security Council seat and nukes w ith Berlin – My Comments
2 Videos: White Hero Tom Metzger: 2985 and shortly before he passed
I got this from a guy who is a huge fan of Tom. I knew Tom Metzger and did some shows with him. He was a very clever, very awesome White guy.
[I know Macron is a globalist, but I must tell you, this idea of France opening the doors of friendship to Germany are EXCELLENT! EXCELLENT! At the bottom of this article is a Trump Tweet about evil Germany and how the USA saved Europe! Oh big RUBBISH. Big crap. The division of Europe upon itself has been a card that has been played again and again which results in Russia, Britain and even the USA (twice) coming and invading Europe to determine its politics. I much prefer to see a Europe trying to cooperate. I much prefer seeing a Europe where the military forces and scientists begin working together. Yes, I know Brussels is full of evil anti-white communist shit. BUT, Europe is populated with Whites and the Whites CAN SEIZE CONTROL OF EUROPEAN POLITICS. It is madness to assume they cannot. I thus believe in our European brothers and their ability to seize back Europe at some time in the future. It is a sad, disgusting Jewish angle that Germany is not even a permanent member of the UN. To see France being nice to Germany is AWESOME. Its AWESOME! And sharing the nukes with Germany! WAY TO GO!!! Britain has nukes and France has nukes. Of course, the Germans might have invented nukes if they hadn't been beaten up by the world back in WW2. I love the idea of NUKES under German control, and I'll bet you those Germans will make many improvements to the nukes and the technology. I WANT TO SEE A EUROPE THAT DOES NOT COWER FOR RUSSIA OR CHINA. This is FABULOUS. I like this. I have thought many times about French and German power and how if those 2 countries could collaborate it makes them more powerful than Russia. The stupid Jew-ridden British are busy with Brexit – the f*cking fools – always divisive, always anti-European, the stupid idiots. A really nice gesture. I like it a LOT. I WANT TO SEE WHITE MALES EVERYWHERE ARMED TO THE TEETH. THIS IS VERY VERY IMPORTANT. VERY IMPORTANT. Trump's stupid Tweet about NATO. I am so sick of NATO. That meant American domination of the European continent. The Europeans are more than capable of defending themselves. They are the mightiest power on Earth. I am sick of American domination of the West. I would much rather see 2 points of power. 2 centers of power: USA and Europe. That way we have a choice. Whites can even CHOOSE which center of power to align to. Angry Americans might find more friends in Europe. I would like to see Europe moving militarily. Macron talking of Europe defending itself from America … is not a bad idea. I am not liking total American military domination because it's driven by those insane politicians in the USA and they are totally anti-White. I am hoping that Europe is more sane than the Jew-ridden USA. As for Marine Le Pen. She's a bloody moron. She was far right, but she kicked her father out. She is proposing the same old model of division in Europe. Let the Europeans cooperate. No brother wars. Stick together. Le Pen must shut her mouth. She's a fool. I'm no fan of Macron, and whatever other globalist stupidity he has, I really think this is damned nice. Damned nice. I want to see WHITE MEN ARMED ACROSS EUROPE AND ACROSS THE PLANET. But we are not going to fight each other. I am keen to see Europe as a global player. It is the step in the right direction. Our race needs to strengthen itself SO THAT WE CAN FIGHT AND CONQUER AND DEFEND OURSELVES AGAIN. No more crawling around like a dog. Definitely not for Russia and China. Russia needs to wake up and be incorporated into Europe. Same as Britain. Invade Britain and make it part of Europe. Teach the British to be men again FFS. Jan]
President Emmanuel Macron wants to create a “European army” in order to share France’s permanent seat in the UN Security Council, as well as its nukes, with Germany, the head of the National Rally, Marine Le Pen said.
Macron wants to use the coveted “European army” to share the “place in the Security Council” and the French “nuclear arsenal” with neighboring Germany, Le Pen told RIA Novosti on Wednesday.
Macron wants ‘real European army’ to combat Russian threat & end reliance on US
Le Pen, who leads the right-wing party National Rally (formerly known as the National Front) and was Macron’s chief opponent in last year’s presidential race, strongly opposes his idea of establishing EU military structures.
“To maintain peace, every nation must have its own national army but not allow it to participate in joint military actions, if required,” she said.
France belongs to the ‘P5 states’, five permanent members of the UN Security Council with veto power. Germany can only be elected to sit in the council for a two-year term as a non-permanent member. In 1990, it pledged to not develop or maintain its own nuclear weapons.
The idea to create a “real European army” was voiced by Macron earlier this month. The president said that such a military force is needed to protect Europeans from Russia, China, “and even the US.”
Macron made those remarks in the days leading up to the 100th anniversary of the end of the World War I, and two weeks after the US President Donald Trump announced his decision to pull out of the landmark Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty.
Macron’s approach received support from German Chancellor Angela Merkel. The EU should “work on a vision” of establishing a real European army in the future, she stated, addressing the members of the European Parliament in Strasbourg.
Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron © Reuters/Gonzalo Fuentes
The same vision, however, quickly resulted in fallout with President Trump, who blasted Macron, saying that France should instead contribute more to NATO rather than promoting the idea of setting up a new joint military force in Europe.
Nov 13, 2018
Emmanuel Macron suggests building its own army to protect Europe against the U.S., China and Russia. But it was Germany in World Wars One & Two – How did that work out for France? They were starting to learn German in Paris before the U.S. came along. Pay for NATO or not!
Source: https://www.rt.com/news/443966-le-pen-macron-army/
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