EUROPEAN INVASION: The West collapses again under onslaught of new migrant wave, 84% increase in illegal crossings recorded – My Comments


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Video: The Gods of War: Introduction Why do Humans fight?
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[Ben Klassen of The White Man's Bible and Church of Creativity wrote in 1985 that the solution to illegal immigration into the USA is a MACHINE GUN!! I totally agree with Ben. The worthless scum invaders into Europe can be dealt with easily, with a machine gun. Since their boats and let them drown. Whites have to learn to become harder. If we are HARDER we will live. But SOFTNESS WILL KILL US ALL! Jan]

“It is sad to watch the West commit suicide. A multi-ethnic society is not cohesive,” writes Czech commentator Alexander Tomský

August 30, 2022

Migrants with life jackets provided by volunteers of the Ocean Viking, a migrant search and rescue ship run by NGOs SOS Mediterranee and the International Federation of Red Cross (IFCR), are rescued in a wooden boat Saturday, Aug. 27, 2022, some 26 nautical miles south of the Italian Lampedusa island in the Mediterranean sea. (AP Photo/Jeremias Gonzalez)

This year’s influx of refugees and economic migrants into Western Europe from the southern Mediterranean border surpasses the numbers of recent years, which were definitely reduced by the pandemic. The EU border agency Frontex reported 114,720 “irregular” arrivals in the first half of 2022. The number is highly doubtful and underestimated, as counting border violators is not simple. However, this figure represents an 84 percent increase compared to last year, and it will get worse.

According to the U.N. agency, the number of homeless people in the world has increased to 100 million. In addition, the Russian war has caused a food crisis, and even a recession in prosperous Europe will not deter young men from bankrupt states in their quest for a better life.

It is the first time that more babies were born to unmarried parents since records began in 1845

As usual, Italy, Spain, the Balkan countries, and, surprisingly, Great Britain, which is now undergoing an unprecedented naval invasion, are experiencing the biggest onslaught. From the beginning of the year to Aug. 22, 22,557 people sailed to the U.K. from France on inflatable boats; last year, this figure stood at 28,526 for the whole year, was only 8,404 in 2020, and 1,600 the year before.

The figures show that this year’s illegal immigration will probably exceed 50,000 people. They come, as usual, from the countries of misery and conflict, mainly Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Somalia, Sudan, and, surprisingly, Iran and Albania.

The composition is usual — 75 percent are men under 40, while the rest are children without documentation and women. This time, judging by the statements of the right-wing media, many English people are downright furious. Britain was not long ago a world power, and now its navy can’t send a stream of boats back to France?

The Geneva Convention on Wounded, Sick, and Shipwrecked only allows rescue and arrival. Many feel doubly cheated. They voted for Brexit, believing that Johnson’s government would at least limit immigration to the overpopulated country to those most in need and skilled workers such as nurses and doctors.

There has not been a war in Albania for over 25 years

However, the ministers simply stopped the immigrants from Europe and replaced them with people from the third world. In the 12 months (until the end of June), they issued 1.1 million residence visas to new arrivals, including international students, many of whom will remain in the country as usual. Today, 6.3 million foreigners work in Britain out of 32 million employees, or one-fifth.

The English case is not unusual. Across Western Europe, political elites have supported open borders for at least half a century, enabling mass immigration. Of course, they keep it a little secret, they promise to protect borders before the elections, but in the end, they always make excuses to keep the flows going or even increasing immigration.

The conventions on the status of refugees from 1951 and the Geneva Convention from 1967 were not signed in vain. The European Court of Human Rights also serves to ensure cheap labor. On June 14, it forbade the British from sending asylum seekers to a processing center in Rwanda.

More than 3,000 human rights lawyers are working in the U.K., and they routinely sue their government and thwart every attempt to deport the immigrants, even in the case of criminals. We cannot talk about deportations because most states either do not accept their immigrants back or recognize torture and the death penalty.

The new British government will not have it easy because conservative voters have long demanded a stop to mass immigration. The coming economic crisis will significantly increase their resentment. There is already debate about £3 million a day in accommodation and food costs. However, voters have no alternative as the Labour opposition openly supports immigration.

The former model country has turned into a real nightmare since 2005 as violent crime has exploded

It is sad to watch the West commit suicide. A multi-ethnic society is not cohesive. It lacks the capital of mutual trust, without which democracy does not work. Immigrants from Muslim countries have a negative attitude towards European culture and tradition, and those from broken states like Afghanistan increase the crime rate and reduce the quality of education.

Sweden, which once was the safest European country, has become one with the highest criminality. The West will not save this unhappy world, and despite all the evidence of impending disaster, almost half the European population doesn’t want to even hear about it.


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