EUROPEAN FARMERS REVOLT: EU Commission Caves Again to Farmers, Proposes to Scrap More Crippling ‘Green’ Poli cies


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Video: JEWS106: Jewish Complexity: Source of their BEST LIES!
This is a very important video I did. I have been wanting to tackle the topic of Jewish complexity for a long time, because I have noticed that some of the best Jewish Lies come from a bogus complexity that Jews introduce into everything.

[This is from Europe earlier this year. Jan]

The great European Farmers Revolt is generating very real results after months of intense mobilization in many countries, with mass protests, roadblocks, attacks on cheap unregulated Ukrainian grain, blockade of ports, a veritable siege of the EU headquarters in Brussels with agricultural workers spraying liquid manure at the police and politicians.

Who doesn’t remember France’s Emmanuel Macron chased by farmers inside the Paris Agriculture Fair? Priceless.

Here at The Gateway Pundit, we have been closely following this process, trying to counter the MSM narrative and show how these protests are legitimate reactions against climate lunacy in the EU.

Now, for the second time, the European Commission has proposed striking down a series of ‘green’ rules on leaving land fallow or rotating crops.

The Commission, that is the EU executive branch, will send the proposals to the 27 EU member governments and the European Parliament.

Reuters reported:

“Commission proposals concentrate on offering farmers more flexibility in heeding mainly environmental rules, such as to protect peat land, limit water pollution and soil erosion, while continuing to benefit from EU agriculture fund payments.

For example, farmers will be able to get more financial support for keeping a share of their land non-productive, such as with hedges or trees, to improve biodiversity.

Farmers could carry out crop diversification, rather than crop rotation. Certain crop types could also be exempt from rules on tillage, soil cover or rotation.

In addition, exemptions could be granted in cases of adverse weather, while small farms of below 10 hectares (25 acres) would not have to be subject to controls or penalties.”

Of course, rather than an admission that the policies are idiotic, the EU is actually just maneuvering ahead of the European Parliament elections in June, in which the ‘far right’ (a.k.a. patriots and populists) is expected to make big gains.

Before this new round of ‘concessions,’ the EU had already set limits on imports of Ukrainian farm products, allowed exemptions to land needing to be left fallow, and also scrapped a plan to halve pesticide use.

As you would expect, the news angered the climate alarmists all over the old continent, who prided themselves that the EU was ‘in the global vanguard of fighting climate change’ – i.e., destroying its farming capabilities.

Associated Press reported:

“Politically, the [EU] bloc has moved rightward over the past year. The plight of farmers has become a rallying cry for populists and conservatives who claim EU climate and farm policies are little more than bureaucratic bungling from elitist politicians who have lost any feeling for soil and land. The Christian Democratic European People’s Party of von der Leyen has been among the most vocal and powerful in defending the farmers’ cause.”

They are only now learning to call it populism.

The Commission proposals have to be endorsed by the member states.

“Friday’s plans were the EU’s latest concessions in reaction to protests that have affected the daily lives of tens of millions of EU citizens and cost businesses tens of millions of euros due to transportation delays. Others have included shelving legislation on tighter pesticide rules and requirements to let some land lie fallow.

On top of the EU itself, member states have also caved in to several demands as the tractor protests shot up the political agenda. Complaints have centered on excessive bureaucracy, intrusive environmental rules and unfair competition from third countries, including Ukraine.”


MM on March 18, 2024 at 9:30 am
I support the farmers. They show how powerful a grassroots movement can be when the police can’t beat it down. But it shows the different attitudes to protest when ordinary people strike to preserve their jobs and conditions, when most other people tell them get back to work because they’re lazy scroungers. Even nurses and doctors on strike recently have been demeaned in this way and told to get back to work.

It shows just how selfish people really are. If a protest inconveniences them they condemn it, often quite vocally; but now it looks like they may have empty bellies without protest from farmers they’re in support of protest. It’s people like this whose apathy and belligerence towards others the politicians rely upon.

lewis jones on March 18, 2024 at 10:59 am
It is unfortunate that the msm successfully conflated the word Europe with the EU, which is the most anti-European thing imaginable

ATaff on March 18, 2024 at 11:23 am
Merde! Zut Alors….

Run, run, as fast as you can, you can’t catch me I’m the Gingerbread Man!

How demeaning that the “leader” of France has to run away from dissenting French farmers despite the security in tow!

Fahrenheit2030 on March 18, 2024 at 5:30 pm
”French President Macron runs from angry farmers at an agricultural fair. Click to enlarge”

Or ‘When rats flee from the sinking ship’…

Hauntess on March 18, 2024 at 7:20 pm
Would that the laid off American workers at Tyson food plant, & all other treasonous companies that prefer to hire illegals over legitimate citizens, do the same thing…unless the situation is some kind of sick made-up marketing scheme.

NAC on March 19, 2024 at 5:31 pm
@ MM
All that is political is essentially local. There is literally no such thing as a grassroots movement. There is such a thing as an overwhelmingly forceful display in the name of imminent self-interest. The second-most affected group (almost everybody else) would recognize their own slightly less imminent self-interest if this were an actual grassroots movement. This farmers massive response was apparently unanticipated by TPTB. Otherwise, the ‘movement’ would have been infiltrated and subverted in advance of the political declarations.


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Video: SAs Whites Worst Enemies: Jews & President Ramaphosa Did a Black man convert to Ju
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