Dr Goebbels: If the Jews win the war … sinking into a dull & primitive state – Jewish Liberalism destroys Whites
Video: BANNED: Adolf Hitler: The Messiah Part 2
I discuss the impossible achievements of Hitler & the NATIONAL SOCIALISTS. Why do we fight? Hitler & the Germans were already experienced soldiers whereas we are 21st century geek boys.
[This is from an email I sent to Jim Rizoli about some weakling White men who suddenly apparently turned away from "the dark path of extremism" … Jewish garbage… Jan]
I wrote this:
Interesting one Jim. There was a Hungarian I think who was a nationalist against the Jews some years ago, then the Jews showed him he was a Jew and the idiot flipped.
I’ve saved the article to look at later. But don’t let the weaklings fool you. Consider Matt Hale who is in jail … and he still is true to his race. Now that’s true dedication.
Don’t be fooled by clowns and idiots.
I read the macabre line… … "Extremism takes you down a DARK PATH…" boo hoo.
That’s just Jewish crap. REALITY IS UGLY… the laws of NATURE are the laws of competition… and death … nature slaughters billions of creatures every day.
Whites are the GODS OF REALITY… reality favours us. We love reality and we must return to it at the SOONEST.
I always think of Dr Goebbels and this wonderful quote: "Humanity would sink into eternal darkness, it would fall into a dull and primitive state, were the Jews to win this war."
ISN’T THAT EXACTLY WHERE WE ARE NOW? A dull, dark, primitive state that riles our souls?
I’m so sick to death of Jewish Liberal crap thinking. Today I went to a bookstore, and must have spent an hour looking for 2 books. I had a credit at the store for handing in some books and I found one good one, but spent an hour looking through every corner to find something else. Eventually I gave up. Book publishing and printing is controlled by Jews. Jews own most of the book stores in South Africa. And Jews wrote LOTS of Liberal crap junk books about South Africa and Africa. I looked at every military history book, history book and anything else I could find, and frankly, I just discounted these things. There is so much repetitive crap out there, telling the same old Jewish-Liberal crap ideas.
That’s why I enjoy the Germans, Hitler, Napoleon, ancient European history, etc so much. And even past history of Whites elsewhere.
WHEN WE ARE OURSELVES … WE ARE NOT FREAKING LIBERALS. We are something completely different. It is NOT NATURAL for us to be a dull, sullen, cry baby people.
You will find no example of that ANYWHERE. It is anathema to our race.
I saw a wonderful quote the other day, source unknown – I think these are the writings of an American who is awakened. It reads: Our fields are full of the dead, but not of COWARDS! … Slaves we are NOT and NEVER WERE".
You will find this type of attitude of Whites in every nation that Whites ever created. That’s us.
We’re defiant.
We live in a DULL PRIMITIVE STATE because the Jews won that war.
Everything in our life that goes against LIFE and LIVING … EVEN IN THE FACE OF EXTREME DIFFICULTY really, in the end comes from JEWS.
Look at our history, even in the nastiest times of war and danger in ancient times, Whites lived, loved, fought and struggled on.
Our modern state is the most pathetic we’ve ever been in. Never, in the worst danger, and I mean REAL DANGER, was our race ever more pathetic.
Liberalism and Jewish thinking sucks all of your energy and life right out of you.
I am so sick of Liberal thinking and any thinking that contains Jewish-tainted junk thinking. Like I say, I walked among hundreds of books and only picked up one (mainly because it had great photos I want to use in later videos). I’m NOT interested in the junk, anti-white thinking that has come to be the norm. It’s BS. It’s total rubbish that has no bearing on reality. This soul-destroying Liberal garbage just makes me want to puke. You will find it EVERYWHERE. It has gone into EVERYTHING.
It destroys our minds, our souls, our ability to think, it makes us want to die.
The sooner we get the f*ck as far away from EQUALITY and DIVERSITY and TOLERANCE the better.
We must be DETERMINED, INTOLERANT, DEFIANT, etc. That’s more like us. WE HAVE STANDARDS. Our STANDARDS are CORRECT and we must never compromise them, not for Jews and not for diversity.
Letting the Jews into our society is the first mistake. From that mistake ALL OTHER MISTAKES FLOW.
Here in dull-as-hell South Africa where I am assailed by boredom, stupidity, failure, weakness, victim-hood, Black rage daily – I would just kill myself if I had to Listen to Liberals and Jews.
To be honest, I prefer the White Pagans. Those Whites were truly alive. And they lived in the most hideous of times. I think that is when we were the most alive as a people.
If you want to be bored by utter stupidity and failure … that’s how it is in South Africa, and all these White f*cking Liberals, bunch of know-all scum, corporate whores … they sit and commentate while everything burns to the ground.
Nothing is more useless than a bag-of-shit Liberal. Liberals cannot stop evil, Liberals can’t win. Liberals can’t turn a collapsing society around.
But Pagans, Nazis and other Whites did this all the time. We could always turn things around, except now, in recent decades where our entire race is in a decline.
The other thing I’ve grown to hate are the wealthy. Mostly they are scum and degenerates. I met a few wealthy in my time and they never really impressed me.
I think Hitler wrote something like this in Mein Kampf about a world ruled by business and the whole world is a marketplace – which is what it has become.
South Africa is nothing but a market-place. That’s the only way people think.
Nobody can think of nation-hood, group survival, birth rates, etc. Everyone just lives for their stupid bank account and ignores collapse, crime, etc around them.
Dr Gobbels was right. We live in a DULL PRIMITIVE JEWISH WORLD and the path forward is just MORE COLLAPSE.
We’ve never been more useless or pathetic. Jews dominate and we all go downhill.
That’s where I like Savitri Devi. She spoke of "The God-like men of action".
Wonderful words. That is what we used to be.
Video: WTA03: The White End Game: How Portugal and S.Africa almost conquered all of Southern Africa
In this video we look at the amazing plans of South Africa and Portugal to beat the Blacks in Africa. The results of their efforts still stand to this day, and nobody notices it.