Donald Trump is hunting for money and donations daily…


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I am on one or more lists that come from Trump. I think I originally only subscribed to one list, but find myself getting lots of emails … even several PER DAY … which is quite intense. Anyhow. I’m amazed at how much Trump is either selling things or asking for donations – incessantly. He says he now has 1 million donors. so I suspect that if he blasts out an email that he could get $1 million or several million in a single shot – I would think.

I am amazed at the activity of Trump and his son Trump Jnr. They’re very aggressive daily on a scale that amazes me.

I hope he gets things done.

I think he has his uses, but the rest of us who do hard core truths must continue forward.

He is doing certain things, but all the rest of us, especially those with harder messages, have much else to do. TRUMP ALONE CANNOT SAVE US AND I DON’T THINK HE WILL SAVE AMERICA. What he will do is create a certain type of Grass Roots movement – far bigger than what Ross Perot did in the 1990s.

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HORRIFIC STATISTICS: The Horror of Black Communist Rule in S. Africa since 1994
This is doing the rounds on a big scale here in South Africa among Whites. This will give you an idea of the horror of Black rule.

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