DID YOU KNOW: Rupert and Oppenheimer own almost all wealth in SA?

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Chart: Did Apartheid kill millions of blacks? Or did the Black population shoot through the roof?
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[Look at this article published by blacks in 2016. Oppenheimer is Jewish, and Rupert is your Jew-loving white, and he is in direct partnership with the Jewish trillionaires, the Rothschilds, in the UK. 


div>The blacks who published this, stated at the bottom: Know your enemies! What the blacks don't know is that these are even worse enemies of the white man! Jan]

DID YOU KNOW: Rupert and Oppenheimer own almost all wealth in SA?

By admin Posted in Featured
Posted on April 30, 2016

Featured Image: Nicky Oppenheimer (left) and Johan Rupert (right) are two of the wealthiest ‘businemen’ in Africa. Photo: businesstech.co.za

By BO Staff Writer

Did you know that two white men, Johan Rupert and Nicky Oppenheimer, “own the same amount of wealth as the poorest 50% of the South African population?” That’s more wealth than some 25 million blacks.

FB_IMG_1462025489171A picture contrasting the beautiful land and mountains of Cape Town and the dull squattercamps where most blacks live. Photo: Luvuyo Jongile/Facebook

Did you know that they made their wealth from the direct support of the apartheid government and the oppression and land dispossession of blacks? Did you know they haven’t said sorry for all those atrocities against blacks? Did you know they haven’t returned the land they stole from blacks? Did you know they have not paid reparations for the thousands of blacks who died in the mines making them wealthy?

FB_IMG_1462025475854A woman brushes her teeth outside her shack in Cape Town. Millions of blacks live in these makeshift homes which get flooded every winter. Photo: Luvuyo Jongile/Facebook

Know your enemies!

Source: https://blackopinion.co.za/2016/04/30/know-rupert-oppenheimer-almost-wealth-sa/

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