Did the Jews remove this website? -strangerinajewishworld.wordpress.com is no longer available.


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Vladimir Putin confirms Hitler & NAZIs were RIGHT: The original Bolshevik Communist Govt was JEWISH!
Speaking at Moscows Jewish Museum: Russian President Vladimir Putin said that at least 80 percent of the members of the first Soviet government were Jewish.

[This is a message I received. I checked.This website has definitely been suspended. I hope the owners can get the website back up. It's dreadful how many websites the Jews are taking down. As always … NO FREE SPEECH ALLOWED when you criticize the JEWS or dare to tell the TRUTH about them!!! Jan]

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Video & Audio: South African Jews worked secretly to destroy White rule
We take a look at the testimony of the Scottish Member of Parliament, George Galloway, who was an enemy of the Whites of South Africa and Apartheid. He travelled secretly to South Africa during Apartheid.

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