White Shop: Poster of Hitler at a victory parade review
A colour photograph of Hitler taking part in a victory parade review. Reproduced on 100z vinyl so suitable for use outdoors as well as indoors.
I saw a posting about Mussolini saving Jews. I wrote this to other folks: A very interesting about Mussolini giving Jews a place to stay in Italy. Mussolini was totally incapable of understanding RACE. I discovered a few years ago, that Mussolini’s Fascist party had a membership of about 30% of it being JEWS. One of his lovers was a Jewish woman. Mussolini was just incapable of understanding RACE. He meant well and he did his best for the Italians, but he did stupid things too. He caused a LOT of problems for Hitler and the Germans by invading Albania and causing massive problems in Greece that the British could make use of. He was a good guy, but there was a lot that he seemed incapable of grasping. Hitler eventually FORCED HIM to sign an agreement regarding RACE because Mussolini just couldn’t grasp this stuff. Hitler later sent his best guys to save Mussolini, etc. Degrelle was furious after the war and said that Mussolini caused lots of problems for Hitler. The one place where I will say Mussolini CANNOT BE BLAMED – is that mostly Mussolini is blamed for delaying Operation Barbarossa – Russian invasion and that Hitler lost the war because he could not get Moscow. This is not true. I will revisit this later. I’ve studied that campaign a lot. Hitler himself DID NOT PRIORITIZE MOSCOW. The reason the Germans never kept Moscow was not an ERROR – it was because Hitler changed the campaign to seize TERRITORY because he saw TERRITORY as more important than seizing Moscow. If Hitler really had wanted Moscow to be the prime objective he would have kept the panzer’s just moving straight towards it. He diverted them many times e.g. Battle of Kiev, because he saw those battles as being more beneficial. Germans like Guderian, whom I have great respect for, felt Moscow was the strategic key – but this was debated with Hitler a LOT – and clearly Hitler did not buy their arguments. Their arguments did not convince him. I repeat: IF HITLER REALLY WANTED MOSCOW HE WOULD HAVE ACHIEVED IT DESPITE MUSSOLINI AND OTHER THINGS. The Wehrmacht were more than capable of seizing Moscow even with the short period of time they had – IF HITLER HAD WANTED THAT. Instead, Hitler diverted lots of major thrusts and sent them on side-ways moves which sometimes consumed weeks of their time – because Hitler was interested in grabbing other things instead. e.g. Kiev which was a huge industrial area of tremendous value. One must not blame the fake "German failure to get Moscow" on either Mussolini or the German Generals. It was that Hitler had discussed at length with them the issue of Moscow’s importance and he did not see it as critical. Would it have made a difference? It is a complex question that would need to be studied very carefully. It’s not something you can give an easy answer to. I would need to consult more detailed military analyses. I do understand why the German Generals thought it was important, but remember the OTHER UNNAMED COMBATANT THAT ENTERED THE WAR WAS AMERICA – America entered the war on the side of Russia. I’ve done a video in detail in this regard. The Russians WERE FINISHED and WERE KNOCKED OUT by the Germans. It was AMERICA PRIMARILY and Britain, who SAVED RUSSIA. The Russian invasion is a very complex story. I did a very detailed video about this with all the statistics. The Americans saved the Russians from STARVATION and the Americans rebuilt their infrastructure and gave them weapons as well as new factories.
Video: Lawfare 101: The White Rights Greatest WEAKNESS! Are all White LAWYERS COWARDS
This is an area of great weakness for all Whites. Many Whites are going to jail needlessly.