Did ancient civilizations such as Rome or Greece ever have weird jobs?


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[When Whites from the future look back on us in these times they will be horrified by many weird things we do which we think are normal. I think above all, they'll see us as very weak. Jan]

Fuller: In ancient Rome, fullers were individuals who were responsible for cleaning and dyeing fabrics. They would trample on clothing in vats of urine and other chemicals to clean and soften them, and would also use natural dyes to color the fabric.

Professional flatulence artist: Ancient Rome had a fascination with bodily functions, and some individuals made a living by performing farting shows in public. These shows involved a range of fart sounds, from high-pitched squeaks to thunderous roars.

Aqueduct divers – Ancient Rome had an extensive network of aqueducts to bring water to the city. Aqueduct divers were responsible for maintaining and repairing these structures, and would often have to dive underwater to inspect or repair them.

Toga dealers – In ancient Rome, togas were a symbol of citizenship and social status. Toga dealers were responsible for selling and renting togas to individuals who needed them for special occasions or public events.

Professional mourners – In ancient Greece and Rome, it was common to hire professional mourners to grieve and wail at funerals. These individuals would be paid to mourn loudly and publicly, and their performances were seen as a way to honor the deceased.

Source: https://www.quora.com/Did-ancient-civilizations-such-as-Rome-or-Greece-ever-have-weird-jobs

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