DEVIANT JEWISH SEX: Did Trump and the Jew Epstein rape and sodomize young White girls and threaten to kill them?
2 Photos: 1892: When White Americans burned a Black man to death for raping a White woman!
White men in the USA used to take no shit. This is what they did to a black who raped a white woman. Whites have a tough, harsh justice system.
[Here's a question I sent off to some American women I know. I was browsing this stuff earlier. I truly think DEVIANT SEX is the TOP SECRET of the Western world and it has the entire European race in it's grips. And JEWS are 100% at the heart of it ALL. Jan]
I wrote:
Quick question: Have any of you looked into the legal documents and claims by some women that Trump and Epstein had sex with them and threatened to kill them?
Trump had the 13 year old do oral on him and then he had sex with her.
Then Epstein had sex with her and sodomized her.
Both Epstein and Trump told the girl they’d have her killed or her entire family killed.
Now normally, I wouldn’t take this seriously, but in the legal applications, there are 2 women who stand by the 13 year old. The one woman was the "pimp" who was in charge of this affair. And another one says that she was told about it in the 1990s.
But the "pimp" woman testifies that she personally SAW all the above.
So there seem to be 2 white women willing to testify in court that this happened.
They said it happened at parties thrown by the Jew Epstein.
I think what we have here is the clear process of CORRUPTION that the Jews have been up to.
And I think this also ties back to the hunting and killing of children too.
The Jews must have corrupted EVERYONE at the top.
Epstein’s "parties" definitely seem to be it.
If you look more broadly at things, you’ll see that "partying" and sex orgies on a big scale and interracial sex, etc … all these things are FUNDED BY MONEY.
Jews are weaving their spells.
But I was wondering if anyone has dug into the actual sex charges, not only against Epstein, but Epstein and Trump.
Furthermore, I don’t see legal documentation about that stupid British Prince who was in on all this sex action.
DEVIANT SEX, I think, is the starting point for Jews for control of everything. I think this is the big dirty secret of the Western World and JEWS are at the heart of it.
I notice too, a Jewish male obsession with SODOMY. I’ve noticed more than once now, the Jewish male obsession with SODOMIZING WOMEN. This is not normal, I don’t think. I’ve only even come across mention of this about Jews.
2005: UN: Africa needs $1-billion a year for Aids orphans
AIDS was killing so many Blacks that one in ten children were orphaned. Of course Whites are expected to bail them out and to keep these ungrateful worthless people alive.