Day 11 of Ukrainian Invasion of Russia: Quick Summary & Analysis


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White Shop: Ersatzkommando Waffen SS Poster in a nice Frame The only one I ever sold!
I can‘t sell this any more, but this is the story of the one and only sale I ever made of this awesome poster!

o MOST RUSSIANS DO NOT KNOW UKRAINE HAS INVADED RUSSIA! This has been hidden from most of them. There is censorship in Russia. I don’t know how bad it is, but there was talk of them even switching off Youtube. So most average Russians don’t even know there’s been a serious attack into Russia.

o This is of itself a fascinating thing. If this is going to be the Russian attitude to Ukrainian attacks, it opens up other new possibilities for future military strategies. The entire premise has been that the Russians will throw EVERYTHING at Ukraine – and it’s astounding – 11 days into this that it’s not happened. War is a mind game, and new, varied tactics could come out of this. It doesn’t mean the Russians are "home free" when they just leave the Ukrainians alone in Russia. Not fighting back is also a sign of WEAKNESS and can be EXPLOITED in the future.

o People forget that the USA and other European countries, DENIED Ukraine the ability to use all the western weapons in Russia. The Americans, MAINLY are the ones who have DENIED the Ukrainians the ability to use the best Western weapons inside Russia. e.g. ATACMS rockets. But they are able to use HIMARS (2nd best and still very deadly).

o The Russians have been fighting the Ukrainians in various spots, but it’s sporadic and it’s in different places.

o The Ukrainians definitely sent in their best troops into this region.

o The Russians have dug a 50Km long trench about 45Km (or miles) inside Ukraine. The Russians have thus allowed for the Ukrainian positions to expand a lot more.

o The Russians have withdrawn some troops from inside Ukraine, but not as many as were expected and not from the most critical area where they are desperately trying to finally capture an important city in Ukraine.

o The Russian response has been surprisingly slow, and the huge battle we were waiting for has not taken place.

o It is looking as if it is going to take the Russians months to get their territory back.

o It is not wise for the Ukrainians to keep growing this pocket, because it will make things more difficult for them to defend it. Remember I have said that I am certain this is a military experiment to really wear the Russians down.

o The Ukrainians have been digging their own trenches to await the eventual Russian counter attack.

o It looks as if the Ukrainians could be in Russia for quite a long time before we see real fighting. Maybe the Russians are trying to focus on capturing an important Ukrainian city first before they divert resources.

o The bottom line is that if Russia takes MONTHS to drive the Ukrainians out, it actually still shows weakness and can be exploited.

o Special Note: BELARUS, Putin’s most important ally is very weak and also borders Ukraine. They’ve been giving Russia most of their best weapons, plus their army has very little combat experience. If the Ukrainians wanted to, they could probably invade Belarus and topple Putin’s most loyal ally.

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White Shop: Rhodesia: Military Patch: Be A Man Among Men Morale Patch
This patch is based on a Rhodesian Army Recruitment poster that we used to have in Rhodesia which read: Be a Man among Men.

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