COVID: Is Virus Theory valid? What of other theories? What of Terrain Theory?


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[This is from a discussion I was having where one man was raising the issue of whether we can dump virus theory. He still felt it had merit. So this was my reply. Jan]

But about viruses. You are raising a point that bothers me too.

Is the virus stuff junk? I’m not sure. And if so, why has it lasted so long?

I watched the German doctor in a video who said viruses are junk and I looked closely at his arguments and I was not happy with it. There is a white female Australian doctor who talks about virus theory failing but she talks about Terrain theory. However, I was unable to find her video on Terrain theory. I wanted to hear what she had to say.

So like you, I’m not sure about the virus stuff. I’m not ready to just turf it out the window.

I need to understand more. The German who says virus theory is junk, sadly failed me, upon closer examination.

I watched an entire long video where he made his arguments. At first they were good and then later I saw this is not a strong line of reasoning.

But that Australian doctor. I was impressed with her. She is on Youtube.

I’m open to new ideas and thinking. I like new ideas. But it must withstand some scrutiny.

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