Colonel Douglas MacGregor making LOTS of predictions that don’t come true!! – My Comments


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THE WHITE TRIBE is a strategic solitaire (one player) game on the 1966-1980 civil war in the African nation of Rhodesia (today called Zimbabwe).

[MacGregor speaks about the Jews and he has a definite racial side. But it's not helping us when he talks a lot about the war and makes many predictions that are totally flawed. Here is some text from a Twitter thread that mentioned a number of things about him. They say he's working for the Russian Propaganda Ministry. I don't know how they know it or if they are just saying it. But I will say that when I look at his work I do think he is paid an actual salary by the Russians for talking all this nonsense. He is destroying his own credibility by talking a lot of nonsense. Just earlier this year he said: "Next stop Kyiv". In the text I pulled out of this thread, are many examples of big mistakes he's made. His behaviour, to me, smells of someone who is being PAID to say this. The Russians ARE PAYING SOME WHITES IN THE WHITE RIGHT. This is NOT good when they talk shit. Jan]

Pekka Kallioniemi

Jan 2
Macgregor has also been accused of Anti-Semitism, calling Jews "rootless cosmopolitans" (old Russian pejorative epithet) and racism (he said that Mexican immigrants should be shot at the border; he also referred to blacks to as an "entitled underclass").

Jan 2
As we all know, Russia LOVES to use any media of US origin as a propaganda, both in their own country and elsewhere. Macgregor, along with Carlson, are providing endless amounts of propaganda material for them.

Jan 2
You can see this on fake news blogs, on Twitter, on FB: Macgregor’s and Carlson’s interviews and soundbites are one of the most used form of propaganda and disinformation:

Related soups:
The Grayzone:

Jan 1
In today’s #vatnik soup I’ll introduce one of the biggest disinformation and propaganda blogs on the web: The Grayzone (@TheGrayzoneNews). It’s best known for misleading reporting, disinformation and love of authoritarian regimes and dictators.

Jan 3
It makes you wonder what he believes in.
Pekka Kallioniemi

and @DougAMacgregor
remind me of the "sunk cost fallacy." In this case it’s sunk credibility on the war. No facts can make them start to dig out of the hole they keep digging for themselves.

So, a sidelined General who switches sides.
Shades of Benedict Arnold?
Planetar ??

Jan 2
I would like to congratulate those persons who for the 3rd time refused him for a position of combat brigade commander of the US Army. Great decision. ??

Jan 2
Polarizing figure when he was on active duty. I later served with 3 of his then peers when he was a LTC & a squadron commander in 1st Infantry Division (Mech). They couldn’t stand him, not even the one who was MacGregor’s USMA classmate.

Jan 3
Saved! Here’s the compiled thread:


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