Jewish Women: We are EXCITED about White Genocide… The BEST GENOCIDE!

[As usual Jews can do anything the hell they want and they never get into trouble. Someone published this on

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Alex Linder: South Africa: Where Apes Rule Men – Trump Takes Note of Farm Thefts

[A Reader recently asked what happened to this post because he could not find it. This was originally posted on

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Video Oswald Mosley: Europeans

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The White-Hating Communist (faking it as a Liberal) President of Canada: Justin Trudeau

[My understanding from the Canadians I know is that Justin Trudeau is actually a communist. I think his father was

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S.Africa: Prophet Siener Van Rensburg: Next correct date for extermination of Whites … (Suidlanders? Simon Roche?)

I was talking to a Christian recently about the next correct/accurate date for the extermination of all the whites by

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2 Maps: The most failed prophet/psychic in the USA: (Jew?) Gordon Michael Scallion – Earth Changes

[While talking to a friend about stupid prophecies, it hit me that I remembered a fool that I once even

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IMPORTANT: HistoryReviewed is up again – with a NEW URL

[History Reviewed is up again after Godaddy took it down. The new URL is: I wrote to Godaddy’s Digital

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Nice Compliment from Alison Chabloz re: History Reviewed – Her London Forum video

[Alison sent me this really nice compliment when I announced that my website was up. I did not know that

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EXCELLENT White/NAZI news hub: Goebbels Hub: For White Resources & Research – A Jew-Free search engine needed!

[This website is brilliant. They run a nice news aggregation website, along with excellent relevant comments. I like them a

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From Jan: New Videos, new techniques … been hard at work… – #TeamWhite – Lots of VIDEOS coming…

Just a quick note. I’ve been a bit slow on things this week, including not continuing with my replies to

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