Carl von Clausewitz, On War: The WORST mistake in WAR is… KINDNESS
White Shop: Very Beautiful Viking Ring Viking Motif of Pendant from Ns, South Zealand
Viking Age (800-1050 AD). The ornament is very characteristic of Danish antiquity and can be seen applied to various finds throughout Scandinavia.
[One of my supporters told me that my videos are once again being blocked in certain countries. So the campaign to stop the spread of the truth is hard at work again. No doubt, JEWS AT WORK!!! Jan]
The same person dropped this excellent quote from Von Clausewitz, about warfare. I think this is brilliant:
People in the pro-White struggle who say Whites must adhere to a morality that hinders Whites doing WHATEVER it takes to defeat their racial enemies are fools or cowards. "Kind-hearted people might of course think there was some ingenious way to disarm or defeat an enemy without too much bloodshed and might imagine this is the true goal of the art of war. Pleasant as it sounds, it is a fallacy that must be exposed; war is such a dangerous business that the mistakes which come from kindness are the very worst." Carl von Clausewitz, On War
Video: The Great Jewish Mask: Part 1 The Jewish ass in the Lions Skin
NB: This video was banned off Youtube in December 2016. This is part 1 of the fabulous little book: The Great Jewish Masque, written in 1936. This little book makes a fascinating study (dont miss parts 5 & 6). The mysterious author of this was EXCEPTIONALLY well-versed in the history of the Middle East & the Jews. (Modern scientific research confirms most of what he wrote but well return to this later in the series).